Political and Social Thought MA, PhD
University of Kent United Kingdom
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SOAS University of London United Kingdom
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Swansea University United Kingdom
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Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde United Kingdom
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University of Buckingham United Kingdom
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University of Edinburgh United Kingdom
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Loughborough University United Kingdom
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Ulster University United Kingdom
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Newcastle University United Kingdom
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Lancaster University United Kingdom
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University of Aberdeen United Kingdom
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Goldsmiths, University of London United Kingdom
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University of Bath United Kingdom
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Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) United Kingdom
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University of Warwick United Kingdom
Find out more See all matching coursesLooking for your first degree in Politics? See bachelors degrees in Politics in the UK
Political science is a social science that studies the systems of governance, as well as the analysis of political activities, political thoughts and political behaviour. You will also explore the theory and practice of politics, as well as understanding the inner workings of political parties and powers.
Political science is a popular degree choice for pre-law courses, making it a great option for those interested in pursuing law school.
An undergraduate degree will look at all elements of government and politics. You will gain knowledge in a multitude of areas, from the political economy, to campaign strategies. Your course will cover research skills, as well as how political and economic decisions affect the general public.
Your degree will mainly be taught through lectures and seminars. Some courses may require you to undertake a placement during your course, but this depends on your institution. If a placement is something you wish to participate in, check with your institution whether they provide this opportunity or not.
Depending on where you choose to study, you may be able to specialise towards the end of your degree. This will allow you to gain increased knowledge in your chosen area, potentially helping you to gain employment. Common specialisations include:
If you are required to write a dissertation for your degree, this will give you a further chance to specialise in a favoured area.
The accreditation gained from a degree in political science will depend on where you choose to study and the specific course you choose. A stand alone political science degree will award you a bachelor of science degree. If you study for a joint honours degree, or choose to combine political science with something else, you may be awarded a different degree title. Degree awards will differ depending on the country, as there are different award systems worldwide.
If your career aspirations require a specific degree award, you should check that this is one your institution provides.
Generally, an undergraduate degree will take three to four years. This can depend on where you choose to study, as standard completion time for a degree can differ from country to country. Foundation degrees, diplomas and certificates can last up to two years when studied full-time.
When you have completed your undergraduate degree, you can either seek employment in your chosen field, or further your studies. Continuation of your studies could be in the form of a postgraduate degree, such as a masters or PhD, or a graduate diploma or certificate.
Graduates of political science will have a wide range of transferable skills. This means that you will have many career options available to you. Graduates will be able to gain employment in a field directly related to their degree, such as working for a politician or political party, government agencies, or even becoming a politician themselves. The useful skills, such as analytical thinking, problem solving, and oral and written communication, can also lead to successful careers in areas such as human resources, commercial business, and marketing and finance.
Graduates of a masters degree in Political Science will have a wide variety of career options available to them. These include political analyst, public affairs specialist, lobbyist, campaign manager, and government administrator.
Your degree will be delivered through lectures, seminars, and tutorials. Depending on your course, you may also have the opportunity to conduct original research and write a thesis. Modules you study might include:
Study in the UK
The UK is a popular destination for international students who want to study abroad. With a wide range of universities offering a variety of courses, there are so many opportunities that students might not be able to find elsewhere. Each university will pride itself on offering high quality education from leading teaching professionals. A qualification gained in the UK will be well regarded across the globe, making an education in the UK a great investment in your future. As well as this, there are many highly ranked universities in the UK, around 17 of which are consistently appearing in the top 100 of the QS World University Rankings.
See our detailed guide to studying in the UK for international students.
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