Leading International Vaccinology Education (LIVE) (Erasmus Mundus) Master
University of Antwerp Belgium
Find out moreImmunology MPhil, PhD
University of Manchester United Kingdom
Find out more See all matching coursesStructural Immunology of Natural Killer Cell Receptor Complexes PhD
Faculty of Science, Charles University Czech Republic (the)
Find out more See all matching coursesInfection, Immunology and Translational Medicine DPhil
University of Oxford United Kingdom
Find out more See all matching coursesCancer Immunology and Biotechnology MSc
University of Nottingham United Kingdom
Find out more See all matching coursesCancer Biology and Immunology MSci
University of Aberdeen United Kingdom
Find out more See all matching coursesDoctor of Philosophy in Microbiology and Immunology PhD
The University of British Columbia (UBC) Canada
Find out more See all matching coursesBiomedical Science - Cell Biology and Immunology of Cancer PhD
University of Southampton United Kingdom
Find out more See all matching coursesLooking for your first degree in Immunology? See All bachelors degrees in Immunology
Immunology as a degree is centred on the study of the immune system, its functions, and its interactions with pathogens, diseases, and the human body. It plays a critical role in understanding how the immune system defends the body against infections, autoimmune disorders, and other health challenges.
Studying Immunology equips you with the skills to understand and manipulate the immune system, which is crucial for improving human health and combating diseases. Immunologists contribute to the development of treatments for conditions like cancer, HIV, autoimmune disorders, and allergies. A degree in Immunology offers an exciting journey into the world of immunological research, where you can explore the intricacies of the immune response, design innovative therapies, and make a significant impact on global health. Whether you're investigating how the immune system recognises pathogens or developing novel immunotherapies, a degree in Immunology opens doors to a rewarding career at the forefront of medical and scientific advancement.
Graduates of a master's degree in Immunology will have an advanced understanding of immunological principles and methodologies. This degree is well-suited for individuals aiming to pursue research careers, contribute to breakthrough discoveries, and lead in the field of immunology.
Your master's program will focus on specialised areas of immunology, such as immunotherapy development, immune system modulation, and vaccine design. You may have the opportunity to collaborate with renowned researchers, conduct independent studies, and publish your findings in scientific journals. Modules you study could include:
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