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Masters Degrees in Web Development Worldwide

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Web Development MSc

University of Staffordshire United Kingdom

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MSc .NET Web Systems Development MSc, PG Dip

Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) United Kingdom

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Web and Cloud Computing MSc

Sheffield Hallam University United Kingdom

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Advanced Master's in Internet Strategy and Web Management Other Masters

Grenoble Graduate School of Business France

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Web Design and Development MComp

Edge Hill University United Kingdom

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Web Design and Development PG Cert

Birkbeck, University of London United Kingdom

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Web and Mobile Development Technologies MSc

Northumbria University London United Kingdom

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Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security MSc, PG Dip

Abertay University United Kingdom

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Digital Media Practice MA

University of Winchester United Kingdom

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Information Technology Law LLM

University of Edinburgh Online Learning United Kingdom

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Computer Games Technology MSc

City St George's, University of London United Kingdom

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Computing with International Business MSc, PG Dip

University of Dundee United Kingdom

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Study a Web Development Masters abroad in 2025

Web development, also known as website development, is the process of creating websites. It involves coding or programming to ensure that a website is functional for users, on a desktop or mobile device. Web design and development incorporates both the creative design and back-end building of a website, and is a rising industry due to the popularity of the online world.

An undergraduate degree in web development will give you a good foundation of knowledge around the area. You might study modules on graphic design, front-end and back-end tools, programming languages, and the methods of applying these. You will be given many opportunities to improve both your developer skills and your technical skills.

Your degree will be delivered in a mixture of modes. These will include lectures and seminars, as well as practical and computer laboratory sessions. You will get to work with cutting edge technology, developing important skills for the workplace.

Depending on where you choose to study, you may be able to specialise towards the end of your degree. This specialisation might influence the area in which you choose to work after you have graduated. Common specialisations include:

  • Software Development
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Development of Web Applications
  • Web-Based Programming
  • Mobile App Development

If your degree programme requires you to write a dissertation or submit a final major project, this will give you a further opportunity to explore a favoured area of web development.

The accreditation of your degree will depend on where you choose to study. Different countries have different accreditation systems. Typically, you can expect to be awarded a Bachelor of Science (BSc), or a Bachelor of the Arts (BA). Some universities might also offer an integrated Master of Computing (MComp).

Depending on your choice of career path, you may be presented with opportunities to gain extra academic and professional qualifications throughout your career.

Generally, an undergraduate degree in web development will take three to four years to complete. Foundation degree, diplomas and certificates can last up to two years, when studied full-time.

Once you have successfully completed your degree, you can choose to either seek employment in your chosen area, or further your studies. Continuation of your studies could be in the form of a postgraduate degree, such as a masters or PhD, or a graduate diploma or certificate.

Graduates of web development will find that there are many career opportunities available to them. The skills of a web developer are useful in a variety of industries and fields, due to the demand for organisations and businesses to have an online presence. You might choose to work directly in the web development field, in roles such as web administrator, web programmer, web technologist, web interface designer, web publisher or web master. As well as these types of roles, you will be able to work in the more general information technology field, due to your advanced computer literacy and knowledge of coding and programming. If you wish to become self-employed, you could work as a consultant for a variety of businesses, or set up your own web development company.

You will have gained a wide range of transferable skills throughout your degree. These skills can include problem solving, analytical thinking, idea development and project management.

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