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Early Childhood Studies, BA (Hons), Sheffield Hallam University

the United Kingdom

Sheffield Hallam University

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BA (Hons)Full-time----

About Early Childhood Studies, BA (Hons) - at Sheffield Hallam University

Our courses for working with children and young people develop professional, reflective practitioners to work in a range of services with children and families. There has been an expansion in services to young children. This has resulted in significant developments in the early years workforce, creating roles and opportunities for graduates in the field. There have been policy developments in * social welfare * health * educating and caring for young children * working with families. This has led to a greater need for professionals who have studied on a course which explores the needs of young children and their families and the ways in which they can be supported. This degree focuses on young children (from birth to eight years old) and their families. You study linked themes including * childhood policy and practice * diverse childhoods * working with children * early years research * young children learning * young children playing * child and family health * children's safety and welfare. You explore the social, emotional, physical and cognitive development of young children and social policy related to children and families. We use a range of learning approaches and link academic study to professional practice. You gain work experience in settings which may include * children's centres * schools * playgroups * nurseries * play centres * specialist support groups in the voluntary sector. You can develop your interests and career aims by focusing on particular areas. For example, research projects can focus on a range of topics including * children's friendships * outdoor play * literacy learning and gender * working with families.Practitioner option (Office for Standards in Education [Ofsted] approved)If you do not already have a level 3 early years qualification, you can complete the practitioner option module alongside your degree. This allows you to gain an equivalent award, which lets you take up employment as a qualified member of staff in early years settings. If you choose this you will be awarded the BA (Honours) Early Childhood Studies with practitioner option.

Entry requirements for this course

Contact Sheffield Hallam University to find course entry requirements.

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