Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London United Kingdom
Find out more See all matching coursesIntellectual Property Law (Online Distance Learning) LLM
University of Edinburgh United Kingdom
Find out moreIntellectual Property and Information Governance LLM, LLM (Master of Laws)
University of Connecticut School of Law (UConn) United States
Find out moreInformation, Technology and Intellectual Property Law LLM
University of East Anglia (UEA) United Kingdom
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University of West London United Kingdom
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University of Oxford United Kingdom
Find out moreLLM Intellectual Property Law LLM (Master of Laws)
Buckinghamshire New University United Kingdom
Find out moreInternational Commercial Law with Intellectual Property Law and Management (Oct/Jan) LLM
University of Reading United Kingdom
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Solent University United Kingdom
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Bournemouth University (BU) United Kingdom
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University of Portsmouth United Kingdom
Find out moreLooking for your first degree in Intellectual Property Law? See All bachelors degrees in Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual Property Law as an academic field focuses on the study and protection of intellectual property rights, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. This field is crucial in safeguarding the creations and innovations of individuals and companies, ensuring that their ideas and inventions are protected from unauthorised use or reproduction.
Intellectual Property Law plays a crucial role in fostering innovation, creativity, and economic growth by protecting and incentivizing original ideas and inventions. Graduates in this field play an essential role in advising individuals and businesses on intellectual property matters, drafting legal agreements, and navigating complex global IP landscapes. As technology and globalisation continue to advance, the demand for skilled professionals in Intellectual Property Law will remain high, making it a rewarding and impactful career path for individuals passionate about law, technology, and intellectual property rights.
Graduates of a master's degree in Intellectual Property Law will have advanced career options available to them. These may include roles as intellectual property consultant, technology transfer manager, IP policy analyst, and international IP attorney.
Your master's degree program will consist of specialised lectures, research projects, and opportunities for practical experience in intellectual property law firms or multinational organisations. Depending on your chosen area of focus, you may study modules like:
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