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Masters Degrees in Industrial Design Worldwide

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Master of Design (Industrial Design) Masters Degree

University of South Australia Australia

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Industrial Design PhD

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) China

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Industrial Design Master Degree

Lund University Sweden

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Design (Industrial Design) MA, PG Dip, Postgraduate Certificate

Sheffield Hallam University United Kingdom

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Master of Design in Industrial Design MDes

Indian Institutes of Technology India

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Master of Design in Industrial Design MDes

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi India

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Industrial Design MSc

University of Wales Trinity Saint David United Kingdom

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Industrial Design Engineering (MSc) MSc

University of Twente Netherlands

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Industrial Design MA

University of the Arts London (UAL) United Kingdom

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Industrial Design (master) MSc

Jönköping University Sweden

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Industrial Design and Technology MA

Loughborough University United Kingdom

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Industrial Design BA, MDes

Brunel University London United Kingdom

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Master of Arts - Design - Masterstudio MA

FHNW University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland Switzerland

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Master of Design MDes

Carleton University Canada

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Industrial Creator Diploma Master

ENSCI Les Ateliers France

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MSc Mechanical Engineering (with Design or Manufacture) MSc, PG Dip

Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) United Kingdom

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Study a Industrial Design Masters abroad in 2025

Industrial design is the branch of product design concerned with the process of designing and manufacture of products, normally those aimed at mass production. As an industrial designer, you will be responsible for designing and developing new products. These could include everyday products, mobile applications, as well as more niche products.


An undergraduate degree in industrial design will develop your foundation knowledge in the area. The modules you study will cover the basic principles and theories of the subject. These modules could include fluid mechanics, engineering mathematics, solids and structures, computer aided design (CAD) techniques, and manufacturing systems.

Your degree will be delivered through a mixture of modes. These will include lectures and seminars, as well as incorporating practical, design studio based sessions, and potential field trips. You may also be presented with the opportunity to take part in a work placement year or module.


A postgraduate degree in industrial design will allow you to develop your skills and knowledge of the design process, as well as how products are manufactured. The modules you study will cover more of the specialist and complex areas of industrial design. These modules could include design research, digital fabrication, advanced CAD, 3D design skills, and ergonomics in industrial design.

Depending on where you choose to study, you may be able to specialise towards the end of your degree. This specialisation can influence the area in which you choose to work after your studies. It can also help you to decide what topic you wish to complete your dissertation or final design project on. Common specialisations include:

  • Design Management
  • Engineering Design
  • Design Communication
  • Consumer Needs
  • Structural Materials
  • Sustainable Industrial Design

The accreditation of your degree will depend on where you choose to study. It will also be influenced by your level of study. At undergraduate level, you can expect to be awarded a Bachelor of Design (BDes), a Bachelor of Arts (BA), or a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng). At postgraduate level, you can expect to be awarded a Master of Design (MDes), a Master of Arts (MA), or Master of Engineering (MEng). If you choose to study for a research postgraduate degree, you will be awarded a Master of Research (MRes), a Master of Philosophy (MPhil), or a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Depending on your institution, your course may also be accredited by a professional or academic body. For example in the UK, courses may be accredited by the Institute of Engineering Designers (IED).

Generally, an undergraduate degree will take three to four years to complete. Foundation degrees, diplomas and certificates can last up to two years when studied full-time. A postgraduate degree will normally take one to two years. If your course includes a placement, this will usually add another year onto your studies.

Some institutions might offer part-time study options. Studying for a degree part-time normally means that your course will last anywhere between three and eight years, with some universities offering more flexible study options.

Graduates of an industrial design degree will find that there are many career opportunities available to them. You will be able to pursue a career in a wide range of fields, both related and unrelated to industrial design. You could choose to work as an industrial designer, a CAD designer, or a product designer. Alternatively, you might wish to work as a design consultant, allowing you to be self-employed and have varied projects.

You will have gained a range of useful and transferable skills throughout your degree. These could include project management, problem solving, and effective communication.

A postgraduate degree in industrial design will allow you to develop your skills and knowledge of the design process, as well as how products are manufactured. The modules you study will cover more the specialist and complex areas of industrial design. These modules could include design research, digital fabrication, advanced CAD, 3D design skills, and ergonomics in industrial design.

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