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Design (Industrial Design), MA, PG Dip, Postgraduate Certificate, Sheffield Hallam University

the United Kingdom

Sheffield Hallam University

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MA, PG Dip, Postgraduate CertificateFull-time----

About Design (Industrial Design), MA, PG Dip, Postgraduate Certificate - at Sheffield Hallam University

Sheffield was one of the first industrial design schools in Britain. Our MA course builds on this experience and exploits a high level of research expertise to provide an invaluable learning experience which enhances design and research skills in a practical studio context. Industrial Design is a project-based MA which offers designers an opportunity to use their creative, practical and theoretical skills to investigate and propose new solutions in response to social, cultural, economic and/or environmental issues. The three semester study gives opportunities to pursue a wide area of investigation but will centre around the development of a new product and/or system which is supported by our research profile, which includes specialisms in the area of medical products, materials development and transport. This course is built on internationally recognised research by members of the course team. In the 2001 UK Research Assessment Exercise we were awarded a rating of 5 for research in Art and Design, the highest rating achieved by any university and only given to a small number of leading departments in this subject who can demonstrate that their research has international standing. We offer international students a pre-MA programme leading to a Graduate Diploma in Design and English. This allows students to become familiar with the learning culture in art and design in the UK and develop their English language ability in a design environment.FundingThe Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) award bursaries to UK students. These awards are based on merit so careful preparation of your application is essential. Applications for the bursary competition must be received at the AHRB in the spring of each year but this requires a prior offer of a place on the course. To give yourself sufficient time to make an appropriate application we strongly recommend applying for the course before the end of January. Up-to-date details of the AHRB Professional and Vocational Awards scheme can be found at Students are also encouraged to seek financial support from industry and, where an individual has the opportunity to do this, we can provide support and guidance in negotiating support.Associated careersThere are many opportunities for employment or self-employment in industrial design. The course encourages an enterprising approach to strengthen students’ abilities to develop their own business practice. An increasing number of design graduates are undertaking more advanced further study through research degrees (PhD) within the University’s Art and Design Research Centre which has a leading position in the advancement of creative practice in design.AssessmentAssessment and feedback are vital parts of the learning process in creative disciplines. Most assessment, for the MA and intermediate awards, is through individual project work which combines research and creative practice. Assessment calls for both excellent creative work and well-documented research.Course contentStudents will receive formal teaching in: research methods for art and design creative professionalism Students can take part in a number of other options including • managing innovation • marketing and digital technologies for creative practice The main part of the course is a substantial programme of individual project work. Students must propose an area for investigation and carry forward a programme of practical and theoretical investigation and creative work.Entry requirementsNormally the student will have a good first degree (2.1 or equivalent) in an appropriate discipline or significant relevant experience appropriate study plans, including an indication of possible project topics and clear, appropriate and realistic learning aims a high level of creative ability, as evidenced by a portfolio of work ability to discuss design issues critically and confidently

Entry requirements for this course

Contact Sheffield Hallam University to find course entry requirements.

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