About Master in Laws, LLM - at Trinity College Dublin
This programme is delivered over one academic year. Students are examined in six optional subjects and complete a research dissertation of up to 20,000 words over the academic year on an approved theme. Students attend special seminars designed to encourage a high level of research and analysis. The subjects offered might typically
include the following: International Commercial Dispute Resolution; Partnership Law; Legislative Drafting;
Product Liability in Europe; Restitution; Medicine and the Law; International anti-trust Law; European Human Rights Law; International Law; Contemporary Problems in Irish Constitutional Law; International Trade Law; Comparative
Freedom of Expression; International Economic Law; European Intellectual Property Law; European Merger Law;
European Telecommunications Law; EU VAT Laws; Feminism and The Law; Equality Law; International Business Regulation; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Distribution Law. The Law School retains the right not to offer any of these subjects in any given year.
Applications for admission to the LL.M. programme are invited from graduates holding a good honors law or law-based
interdisciplinary degree. Admission to the programme is at the discretion of the LL.M admissions committee. To obtain a brochure in respect of this programme, please contact the course coordinator by email.