About Film Theory and History, MPhil - at Trinity College Dublin
A post-graduate taught course lasting for one full academic year, from the beginning of October until the following September. Formal teaching and coursework will be completed by May, after which students will focus on their dissertations, and need not be resident.
DescriptionAs one of the fastest-growing and most relevant areas of academic study at Trinity College, Film Studies is adding an M.Phil. in Film Theory and History to its range of taught courses. Beginning in October 2006, this course offers a unique opportunity for the advanced study of film theory and history in the Republic of Ireland, which may in turn provide a platform for further study at Ph.D. level. The M.Phil. investigates a number of different theoretical and historical approaches to a diverse range of cinematic material, including Irish cinema, Hollywood cinema, world cinema, avant-garde and experimental cinema, and documentary film. It explores the industrial, cultural, critical and aesthetic influences that have shaped both the films themselves, and the critical thought that surrounds them.
Programme of StudyThe course will consist of 4 taught elements: 2 core courses and 2 optional courses, as outlined below.
Research Methodologies (core course): This will comprise of facilitated discussion sessions designed to explore current theoretical approaches to the study of film, to encourage students to share research, and to develop oral presentation skills.
Film Theory and History (core course): This will include: Theories of Visual Culture, examining various theoretical and philosophical perspectives on visual representation up to and including cinema; Theorising Film History, exploring issues around historical and critical contextualisation, and Historical Research and Archiving Methods, equipping students with the necessary skills for the advanced study of film.
Optional Courses may include:Studies in Classical and Contemporary Hollywood Cinema
Avant-garde and Experimental Cinema
Critical Approaches to World Cinema
The Documentary Film: History and Developments
Ireland and Visual Culture
Cinema and Gender
History of Film Theory and Criticism