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Applied English-Turkish Translation, Associate Degree, Istanbul Aydin University


Istanbul Aydin University

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Associate Degree-2 years--USD 2700 per year

About Applied English-Turkish Translation, Associate Degree - at Istanbul Aydin University

Our Mission

Applied English Turkish Translation Department provides both theoretical and practical training to effectively use foreigh language in various sectors.

The department allows students to practice provided the cooperation with solution partners especially abroad.

1. Graduates of the program will be able to translate literary works, texts, scientific articles, newspapers and magazines, political, legal, economic, technical and other types of works into the target language.

2.In written translation, students can translate the texts into another language keeping the cohesion and correctness of the expression of the text, review the translations done, follows updates in his/her mother tongue and the foreign language.

3. Students are able to operate any office equipment (typewriter, computer, fax) and can communicate effectively.

Our Vision:

Creative, Practical, Self-Confident Professional Translators having business ethics, are aimed to be educated in our program.

Career Opportunities:

Our graduates can work at various public institutions (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Tourism), publishing houses, magazines, newspapers, film studios, international organizations, simultaneous and written translation offices, TRT, Anadolu Agency, private TVs, and those who have certificate of translation can work at translation offices.

Department Opportunities:

1. Our department enables our students to continue their Bachelor of Arts education in related departments easily.

2. By Erasmus Exchange Program, Students, are able to have their one semester education in European countries.

More information:

In this program we offer a wide opportunity to improve the English Language background of the students with the first year courses and then acquire the required skills and experience to be a desired and accurate interpretors. Students of our department study English Language deeply, learn the theory of translation, and practice in translating various text from different areas. Apart from the courses, students use and improve their skills at the workplace atmosphere with the real environment and tasks during the apprenticeship, as well.

The graduates of this program are able to translate various topics from literature to law, economy to chemistry other technic Works and texts. They will be qualifeid to technological devices like computers and work in offices; they can control the translated texts and make prof readings etc.

Program Profile: 

Associate's Degree Programme in APPLIED ENGLISH - TURKISH TRANSLATION (in English) (a short cycle programme  in QF-EHEA and  5th level programme in TYYÇ) is a vocationally/practically-oriented, short stream (cycle) programme, specifically designed for students to acquire the practical skills, and know-how needed for employment in a particular field of occupation or trade. The successful completion of the programme provides the graduates with a labour-market relevant qualification. APPLIED ENGLISH - TURKISH TRANSLATION (in English) can be classified as regard to "ISCED (The International Standard Classification of Education) 2011" and "NQF-HETR (The Turkish Qualifications Framework for HE)" profiles (orientation) and fields of education as follows:

  • ISCED Field of Education: 22 - Humanities
  • ISCED Level: 5,  Orientation (Profile): 55, Subcategory: 554 - Vocationally-oriented "short cycle" degree.
  • NQF-HETR Field of Education: 22 - Humanities
  • NQF-HETR Profile of Education: Vocationally-oriented "short cycle" degree.

Entry requirements

Foreign students are accepted to the program as a result of their direct application to the university. For more information, visit the License and Undergraduate Admissions Procedures and Registration Procedures and Registration Procedures section of the Corporate Information menu.

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