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Security in Computer Systems and Communications, Post Master, EURECOM


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The award How you will study Study duration Course start Domestic course fees International course fees
Post MasterFull-time16 monthsSeptemberEUR 6000 totalEUR 12000 total

About Security in Computer Systems and Communications, Post Master - at EURECOM

The goal of the Post Master's degree is to provide advanced skills and a cutting-edge experience in a wide range of Digital Security applications. The strenght of the program relies on a multi-faceted approach dealing with key fields of security applications: Security of Software, Embedded Systems, Cloud computing, Data, IoT, Networks and Communications.


With the fast development of computer and communication systems in our private and professional life, today have come fraud and malevolence in various forms. Attacks are routinely ranging from simple computer nuisances to cybercrime and threats to critical infrastructure. In the past decades technical means to counter these attacks have experienced a tremendous growth and the birth of entirely new fields:

  • The large scale use of cryptography by the general public,
  • Software, operating system and network security,
  • Secure Internet transactions,
  • Security of mobile and wireless communications,
  • Rights management and protection of multimedia content.


The Post Master's degree offers the necessary technical knowledge for engineers responsible for designing secure systems and system administrators responsible for ensuring computer and network security within a company or a public authority.

The following security topics will be covered:

  • cryptography and its applications
  • malware detection and analysis
  • specific mechanisms for the protection of communications, networks and distributed computer applications
  • image protection and biometric techniques

Learn more about Security in Computer Systems and Communications, Post Master - at EURECOM

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Entry requirements

To be eligible, Candidates need a Master's degree (minimim 5 years of higher education), a degree of engineer delivered by the CTI, or equivalent and a certified B2 level in English. A Master's degree in a relevant field is expected (Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering...) with a good foundation in Maths.

Fees, Funding and Scholarships at EURECOM

EURECOM grant a limited number of partial tuition fee waivers to highly ranked students from renowned universities.

The scholarship is worth 4000 euros.

Application Procedure Scholarship applications will only be processed after the corresponding application for Master’s programs has been completed online.

Students should mention they wish to apply to a partial tuition fee waiver fulfilling the following questionnaire:

EURECOM’s scholarship will be granted by each monthly admission commission.

Student reviews of EURECOM

Find out what students say about EURECOM

"I definitely recommend spending a year at EURECOM to anyone" Eino (Finland)

"I definitely recommend EURECOM!

The university building is small and all students are exchange students, so the atmosphere is very positive and social.

The professors are from many different countries and are motivated to lecture and research.

The topics of the courses and research are timely and that boosts studying motivation.

Cote d'Azur as a location is awesome, because here we have only a few months of the "Finnish spring" and the rest of the time it is summer.

One should not fear the infamous bureaucracy of France, because there are many members of the staff of the university, that gladly assist with all the practicalities.

There are multiple opportunities to learn the French language, but knowing the language is not a requisite, as everything can be done in English."

"Well, a year spent at EURECOM was definitely magnifique!" - Ivan (RUSSIA)

Level of education is high here, so don’t be surprised that you will be required to work a lot. On the other hand, knowledge you’re getting here, is up to date with what industry requires and more often even beyond it (since EURECOM is not just a university, it is also a research center).

University administration, teachers and assistants are very friendly and tending to help you in case you got stuck with something. It’s almost like a small family :)

As well as getting in touch with modern trends in industry, you will have an opportunity to explore an amazing location of Cote d’Azur. There is no need to introduce French Riviera, just have a look on the map and see the distances between all famous locations. There is actually a lot to visit!.

Also, since there is quite few students (from all over the world), you will easily get your “travel buddy” or “chillin’ buddy” with who you will have (for sure a lot of) great memories and fascinating trips all over the seashore.

For me personally, it was a great experience and I’m really grateful, that I had this opportunity.

Life wouldn’t be the same after spending some time here. You will get new opportunities, new friends and warm memories.

Long story short, if you’re looking for some changes in life, a good adventure or a good time, this is the right place!"

Janita, Jomar, Eirik, Christian, Fredrik, Amund, Marius (NORWAY)

"We (Janita, Jomar, Eirik, Christian, Fredrik, Amund, Marius, and all) went to EURECOM in order to do something a bit different for our fourth year, and it turned out to be a great choice.

Here we get:

- Smaller courses of 5 or 3 credits, meaning you can get a quite broad spectrum.

- A great fit with the track we are taking back home - getting the course choices approved is not very difficult. (We are from elsys, komtek and data).

- A very international group of friends

- Good financial support from Erasmus, lånekassen and CAF.

- Super nice weather!

Are you considering EURECOM for a semester or two abroad? Kjør på!"

Other courses at EURECOM

There are 10 other courses listed from EURECOM. A selection of these are displayed below:

Digital Science Master of Engineering


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Location of EURECOM

EURECOM main campus location is shown on the map below:

Map showing location of EURECOM

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