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Masters Degrees in Teaching Worldwide

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MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages MA

University of Nottingham Ningbo China China

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Professional Practice (Teaching and Learning) MSc

University of Kent United Kingdom

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Voice Studies: Teaching and Coaching MA, MFA

Royal Central School of Speech and Drama United Kingdom

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Research in Special Needs Education Master Degree

Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo Norway

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Academic Practice MA, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate

University of Liverpool Online United Kingdom

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Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy Master

University of Antwerp Belgium

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Master of Education MEd

University of Essex Online United Kingdom

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Higher Education (Creative Arts) Graduate Certificate

Collarts Australia

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English Language Teaching (MA/PG Dip) MA, PG Dip

University of Warwick United Kingdom

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Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Teaching Graduate Diploma

Swinburne University of Technology Australia

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Master of Teaching Primary Masters Degree

Charles Darwin University (CDU) Australia

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Master of Teaching in Secondary Education Masters

University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Australia

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Study a Teaching Masters abroad in 2025

Teachers and other teaching staff are a vital part of most people’s lives. They have the ability to shape children and young adults through education, and guide people throughout their most critical years. Education and teaching are important aspects of society, with knowledge being passed down, through schooling, both in the traditional and non-traditional sense. Teachers are more than just educators, the amount of time they spend with students means that they are mentors, caretakers and advisors.

An undergraduate degree in teaching will give you a foundation knowledge of the practical and theoretical aspects of teaching. You will study modules on educational psychology, philosophy of education and history of education, among others.

Your degree will be delivered in a mixture of modes. These will include lectures and seminars, as well as practical sessions. The practical sessions will allow you to experience teaching in a supportive environment. You may also be required to take part in a work placement in a school.

Depending on where you choose to study, and your specific course, you may be able to specialise towards the end of your degree. This specialisation can influence the area in which you choose to work post-graduation. Common specialisations include:

  • Secondary Education
  • Primary Education
  • Early Years Childhood Education
  • Special Education
  • Higher Education

If your course requires you to write a dissertation, this will give you the opportunity to further research a favoured area of teaching.

The accreditation of your degree will depend on where you choose to study. Different countries can have different accreditation systems. Typically, you can expect to be awarded a Bachelor of Education (BEd), or a Bachelor of the Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) with QTS (qualified teacher status).

An undergraduate degree in teaching will normally provide you with the correct certification needed to pursue a career in teaching. However, you may be required to gain more certifications, depending on what area you choose to teach in.

Generally, an undergraduate degree in teaching will take three to four years. Foundation degrees, diplomas and certificates can last up to two years.

On successful completion of your degree, you can choose to either seek employment in your chosen area, or further your studies. Continuation of your studies could be in the form of a postgraduate degree, such as a masters or PhD, or a graduate diploma or certificate.

The most common destination for teaching graduates is working in education, as teachers or other teaching staff. There are many different teaching roles available to you, including primary school teaching, secondary school subject specific teaching, special education teaching, and pastoral support.

You will have gained a wide range of transferable skills throughout your degree. These will include effective oral and written communication, problem solving, time management, organization and the ability to work with a variety of different types of people. Your skills will mean that you are a useful member of a team in many different fields.

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