On-Campus - Bachelor of Science (Electrical Engineering) BSc
Engineering Institute of Technology Australia
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University of Alberta Canada
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Tampere University Finland
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Swansea University United Kingdom
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University of Nottingham Ningbo China China
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University of Derby United Kingdom
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The University of Sydney Australia
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American University of Sharjah United Arab Emirates (the)
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Fanshawe College Canada
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University of Chichester United Kingdom
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University of Aberdeen United Kingdom
Find out more See all matching coursesBachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering BSc
Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague Czech Republic (the)
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Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Lithuania
Find out moreLooking for graduate level options? See All Masters degrees in Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering deals with the design, development and maintenance of electrical systems and their components. You will be responsible for their safety, quality, sustainability and reliability. As well as this, you will be involved in the design and manufacturing of electrical equipment that will be used across a wide range of sectors, such as construction, maintenance and transportation.
An undergraduate degree in electrical engineering will give you a foundation of knowledge in the field. You will study modules on computing, electronic circuits, electronics and design. You will develop both your practical skills and theoretical knowledge, making sure that you are ready for employment.
Your degree will be delivered in a mixture of modes. These will include lectures and seminars, as well as practical and laboratory sessions. You may be required to take part in a work placement module or year.
Depending on where you choose to study, you may be able to specialise towards the end of your degree. This specialisation can influence the area in which you choose to work when you have graduated. Common specialisations include:
If your degree course requires you to write a dissertation in your final year, this will give you the opportunity to further explore a favoured area of electrical engineering.
The accreditation of your degree will depend on where you choose to study, as well as the specific content of your course. Generally, you can expect to be awarded a Bachelor of Engineering (BEng), or a Bachelor of Science (BSc).
Some degree courses might be accredited or approved by a professional body of engineering, meaning you can become a chartered engineer. For example, in the UK, degrees might be accredited or approved by the Engineering Council.
Typically, an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering will take three to four years to complete. Foundation degrees, diplomas and certificates can last up to two years, when studied full-time.
Once you have successfully completed your degree, you can choose to either seek employment in your chosen area, or further your studies. Continuation of your studies could be in the form of a postgraduate degree, such as a masters or a PhD, or a graduate certificate or diploma.
Electrical engineering graduates will be able to work in a variety of fields and industries, such as power generation, construction, infrastructure development, communications and information technology. You can expect to be involved in the design, development, testing and maintenance of projects.
You will have gained transferable skills throughout your degree, such as problem solving, analytical skills, and independent working. These skills mean that you will be a useful asset to any team in a field unrelated to electrical engineering.
An undergraduate degree in electrical engineering will give you a foundation of knowledge in the field. You will study modules on computing, electronic circuits, electronics and design. You will develop both your practical skills and theoretical knowledge, making sure that you are ready for employment.
Your degree will be delivered in a mixture of modes. These will include lectures and seminars, as well as practical and laboratory sessions. You may be required to take part in a work placement module or year.
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