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Bovine Reproduction, PG Dip, University of Liverpool

the United Kingdom

University of Liverpool

Study options for this course

The award How you will study Study duration Course start Domestic course fees International course fees
PG DipPart-time2 yearsSeptemberGBP 1170 per yearGBP 15251

About Bovine Reproduction, PG Dip - at University of Liverpool

This two year part-time Masters level programme is known as the Diploma in Bovine Reproduction continuing the tradition started when the programme commenced in the 1980’s and reflects the academic comparability to Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Diploma qualifications. The qualification is recognised by both the RCVS and European College of Animal Reproduction (ECAR). It provides postgraduate education in an important aspect of the bovine health. The overall aims of the programme are to enable veterinary surgeons in regular contact with cattle to:

  • achieve a widely-based and deep understanding of bovine reproduction, which will enable them to provide sound scientific advice to the cattle industry;
  • develop appropriate skills; and
  • maintain a critical approach to their own work.

The programme is modular in structure, with eight residential weeks spaced over two years. Learning methods include lectures, demonstrations, videos, practical work, discussions, field visits and directed reading. Participants will be expected to satisfy essay and work based continual assessments for each module during the course; to pass written, practical and oral examinations of the final module at the end of the programme; and to present a dissertation, not exceeding 10,000 words, before the award of the Diploma.

Guidance is given by staff of the University of Liverpool and by invited contributors, each a recognised authority in a specialised field. Teaching takes place mainly at Leahurst, the University of Liverpool’s rural campus.

Although mainly restricted to the study of reproduction in cattle, the programme includes reference to other species to establish biological principles or to illustrate concepts for which information is not available in cattle and also covers key areas impinging on fertility such as nutrition and infectious disease.

Module Code               Module Title                                             Credits

Module One (a)  Normal Non-Pregnant Female                        10

Module Two            Nutrition and Fertility                            15

Module Three              Fertility in Post-Partum Period                        15

Module Four               The Male                                    15

Module Five                Genetics                                     15

Module Six                 Early Pregnancy                          15

Module Seven             Late Pregnancy and Parturition                      15

Module Eight               Synopsis and the Future                       15

Module nine                Final module and dissertation Examinations     60

Entry requirements

For admission to the DBR programme, you should be a veterinary graduate (suitable for registration with the RCVS), have been engaged for at least three years if working in a university or five years in general practice with a substantial component of cattle work, maintain an involvement in bovine fertility work throughout the duration of the programme and carry out regular fertility work in at least three cattle herds, each of reasonable size. International qualifications This course is not applicable to overseas candidates. English language qualifications This course is not applicable to overseas candidates.

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