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Award of Institutional Credit in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Foundation Certificate, University of Greenwich

the United Kingdom

University of Greenwich

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About Award of Institutional Credit in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, Foundation Certificate - at University of Greenwich

The Award of Institutional Credit inLearning and Teaching in Higher Education (HE) is an applied, practice-basedprogramme supporting professional development in higher education and offeringa first step towards a higher education teaching qualification.  The programme provides an introductionto teaching, learning and assessment in higher education for those with relativelylittle teaching but for whom a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education isnot appropriate; fractional or part-time staff; those with teaching support orassistant roles. The programme's two courses providesolid grounding in the practice of teaching and reflection in higher education.Using a reflective and experiential approach, participants evaluate their ownprofessional practice, relating this reflection to educational theory andscholarship to develop pedagogical understanding and innovative responses tothe challenges of teaching in higher education. One of the two courses is studied with PG Certificate in Higher Education participants.

The 'Learning, teaching and assessing in higher education' course includes planning and facilitating learning, assessing, and giving feedback. 'Foundations of professional development in HE' includes developmentof a portfolio of evidence meeting expectations of the UK ProfessionalStandards Framework, including teaching practice assessments.

The programme is online blended, using a variety of web 2.0 tools to provide sociallyinteractive experience through learning activities including group-work and webinars,with 2 face-to-face Study Days (Saturdays) and teaching observations. Supportis provided by the programme team, peers, online tutor, personal tutor andmentors.

Outcomes of successful completion include eligibility for AssociateFellowship of the HEA and 20 credits at level 7, for potential progression intoa PG Certificate in HE with Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL).

The aims of the programme are:

  • Enable participants to design and implementindividual teaching and learning episodes
  • Develop participants' facilitative,reflective and evaluative skills for teaching and learning
  • Provide the opportunity and impetus forparticipants to advance their own professional development as part of acommunity of scholars and professionals
  • Provide a basis for progression into the PG Certificatein Higher Education or equivalent HE teaching qualification.

Notes about fees for this course

Your time at university should be enjoyable and rewarding, and it is important that it is not spoilt by unnecessary financial worries. We recommend that you spend time planning your finances, both before coming to university and while you are here. We can offer advice on living costs and budgeting, as well as on awards, allowances and loans.

Find out more about our fees and the support available to you at our:

  • Teacher training fees and support
  • Postgraduate finance pages
  • International students' finance pages

Entry requirements for this course

Contact University of Greenwich to find course entry requirements.

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