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History of Western Architecture, PhD, University of Buckingham

the United Kingdom

University of Buckingham

Study options for this course

The award How you will study Study duration Course start Domestic course fees International course fees
PhDFull-time, Part-time3 - 6 yearsSeptember--

About History of Western Architecture, PhD - at University of Buckingham

Students are registered initially for the degree of PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), although their status is probationary until the first Annual Review has taken place, normally between 12 and 18 months from first registration.

The usual period of doctoral study is three years, though the University's Regulations also permit candidates who make particularly rapid progress to apply to the University Research Committee for permission to submit at the end of their second year of study.

Part-time applications will be considered and may be accepted where teaching provision is available.

Each student is allocated, two supervisors. There is a First (or Principal) Supervisor, who is the student's regular guide during his or her research, and with whom the student meets regularly throughout the year. There is also a Second Supervisor, whom the student may consult on a more limited basis where a 'second opinion' on a particular draft chapter may be helpful.

Potential supervisors include Clive Aslet, Mark Wilson Jones, Jeremy Musson, Professor John Simpson, Adrian Tinniswood OBE, and other scholars.

Full details in the Research Degrees Handbook

Enquiries should be directed in the first instance to our Admissions Officer (London Programmes) on [email protected] or by telephone to +44 (0)1280 827514.

Entry requirements for this course

Contact University of Buckingham to find course entry requirements.

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