About Integrated Doctorate in Molecular Medicine, MSc, PhD - at Trinity College Dublin
The Ph.D. in Molecular Medicine is a prestigious integrated four year Ph.D. programme, which is supported by the Irish Health Research Board and focussed on producing doctoral scientists trained to the highest international standards. The Ph.D. in Molecular Medicine is one of only two schemes of its kind in Ireland.
The programme consists of a first year incorporating lecture modules and laboratory rotations and subsequent years spent on a research programme leading to the award of a Ph.D. degree.
Student tuition costs will be covered for the duration of the four year programme and a student stipend of €18,000 will be paid.
There has been an enormous growth in our understanding of how basic biological processes take place at a molecular level in recent years. Molecular Medicine is a new field that exploits advances in diverse areas of molecular and cellular biology to characterise how normal cellular processes either fail, or are subverted, in disease.
High quality research into the causes of disease relies necessarily on a multi-disciplinary approach, incorporating a thorough understanding of fundamental processes of cell biology, genetics and the integration of these processes in the function of the host at cell, tissue and organism levels. Traditionally, the teaching of science has tended to take a specialised, disciplinary, approach in explaining disease at the functional level. This programme provides a multidisciplinary research environment aimed at integrating different disciplines and technologies in the discovery and understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which cells and organisms function in health and disease.
The programme is designed to provide the intellectual tools to analyse the literature and assess and assimilate information throughout the programme, and to ensure that students interact collectively to maximise information dissemination. The aim of the Ph.D in Molecular Medicine programme will produce a cohort of scientists of exceptionally high standards and broad training. The programme will be based at the Institute of Molecular Medicine, Trinity College Dublin and affiliated Institutes in Trinity College Dublin.