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Global Science Course, BSc, BSc (Hons) Nat Sci, The University of Tokyo


The University of Tokyo

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BSc, BSc (Hons) Nat SciFull-time2 yearsOctober--

About Global Science Course, BSc, BSc (Hons) Nat Sci - at The University of Tokyo

Application Period for Fall 2017: 
January 10, 2017 - April 7, 2017
Apply via official program website


The Global Science Course (GSC) is a new undergraduate 2 year-long transfer program. It was designed to enhance cross-cultural interactions among young minds from around the world coming together to learn science. All GSC classes are conducted in English by world-leading professors who are pursuing cutting-edge research in the most advanced fields, while also focusing on the fostering of students who will lead the next generation in science communities.

By giving students the opportunity to study abroad in Tokyo, they will not only get the chance to make the most of our world renowned facilities but will also be able to experience Japanese lifestyle and culture first-hand. This is an invaluable opportunity for those looking to expand their worldviews and experience something unique during their time as an undergraduate student.

Furthermore, successful applicants to our program are rewarded with a generous scholarship. This includes 150,000 Japanese yen per month to aid in paying tuition fees and support living expenses. It additionally includes fully supported rent.

Notes about fees for this course

Each student of the GSC Undergraduate Transfer Program will be automatically offered the "School of Science Scholarship for Transfer Students". Under this scholarship, the School of Science will provide 150,000 Japanese Yen every month for up to two consecutive years. This scholarship aims to help students pay for their annual tuition fees and support their living expenses. For more information please refer to the GSC website.

Entry requirements

Education Abroad: Prospective students must have successfully completed or will be completing their first two years of studies in a comparable undergraduate program at an accredited higher educational institution before enrolling into GSC. It is also necessary for prospective students to have received secondary and tertiary education outside of Japan.


Science Background: Prospective students are expected to have completed basic Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics related subjects in their first and second year of undergraduate studies at their university before applying to the School of Science of the University of Tokyo as a third year transfer student.


English Language: We require a good command in English language as all lectures are delivered in English. 


Credit Eligibility: Prospective students have gained a minimum of 62 credits from their first two years of undergraduate studies. The GSC Faculty Committee will evaluate each applicant individually to decide on credit eligibility.

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