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Artificial Intelligence for Smart Sensors and Actuators, MEng, Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT)


Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT)

Study options for this course

The award How you will study Study duration Course start Domestic course fees International course fees
MEngFull-time3 semesterMarch, OctoberEUR 82 per semesterEUR 82 per semester

About Artificial Intelligence for Smart Sensors and Actuators, MEng - at Deggendorf Institute of Technology (DIT)

As an undergraduate of mechatronics or other related fields of study, the consecutive, application-oriented master's programme "Artificial Intelligence for Smart Sensors and Actuators" qualifies you as experts for the development and use of intelligent, technical systems of data processing, data analysis and automation. The knowledge transfer on study contents including artificial intelligence, machine learning, innovative sensors/actuators, additionally endows prospective students with the competence to work creatively in research and development departments.

The command of intelligent sensor and actuator systems requires scientific-technical expert training tailored to current thematic challenges. Within three study semesters, these challenges are to be met by the structured and intensified knowledge transfer of the following topics:

  • Process of Machine Learning (neuronal networks)
  • Embedded Control for Smart Sensors and Actuators
  • Sensor Technology (e.g. MEMS)
  • Methods of System Networking (wired and wireless communication)
  • Methods of Data Processing (e.g. Cloud Computing, Big Data)
  • System Design

The practical relevance of the course content is implemented through case studies conducted in collaboration with industrial experts.

The Technology Campus Cham (focusing on research & development in mechatronic systems) as well as the Digital Start-Up Centre (majoring in Digital Production) are directly located on Campus Cham. They provide a specialised and application-oriented environment for highly innovative training concepts.

Notes about fees for this course

International students from non-EU/EEA countries are required to pay service fees for each semester. Click here to read about our service fees.

Entry requirements

Admission Requirements:

  • Completion of an undergraduate study programme at a domestic or foreign university with a minimum of 210 ECTS credits in mechatronics or another related study course or a degree that is equivalent to such a university degree. Based on the documents submitted, the DIT examination board decides on the equivalence of the degrees.
  • For this reason, applicants having obtained their academic training (e.g., undergraduate degree) in non-member states of the Lisbon convention are recommended to submit a GATE or GRE (general) certificate deemed to further substantiate their eligibility for this study programme.
  • Additionally, the professional qualification for this study programme is to be demonstrated in the context of an aptitude assessment. This written exam is based on a range of subject areas relevant for AI for Smart Sensors and Actuators, such as mathematics, physics, electronics & electrical engineering, system theory, control engineering and computer science. The exam is being conducted both online and on-site at the Campus Cham affiliated to the Deggendorf Institute of Technology. This exam is consulted to determine the major-specific eligibility and ultimately decides on the admission to this master’s programme.

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