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About EIT Manufacturing

Country France
Number of courses 8
Year founded 2019

EIT Manufacturing – Bringing European manufacturers together

EIT Manufacturing strives to strengthen European companies with people who are capable and inspired to shape the future of manufacturing and drive the ongoing, dual digital and green transformation.

Education activities at EIT Manufacturing engage, connect and empower people to become the backbone of a strong European Manufacturing Innovation Community, in the wider context of a prosperous and inclusive society.

EIT Manufacturing’s education activities are grouped under three programs:

  • Empower: Running EIT labelled Master and PhD programmes and professional training to develop a high-value learning journey for students and professionals.
  • Connect & Transform: Creating the infrastructures and learning experiences that enable individuals and organisations to network, skill, upskill and reskill within the Manufacturing Innovation Community. Offerings include short online units targeting the workforce and support for Teaching and Learning Factories.
  • Engage: Reaching out to pupils, youngsters, society at large and other industries to create reciprocal awareness, attraction, and involvement in manufacturing by bringing information and knowledge to the general public.

EIT Manufacturing Master School

The objectives of EITM Master School:

  • Teach innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity & leadership to students​
  • Link university studies with industrial practice
  • Connect students with the EITM community and ecosystem to leverage business opportunities

Why choose EITM Master School?

  • Improve your knowledge on up to date manufacturing innovation and learn how to turn it into a successful business
  • Take part in events such as Summer Schools and Kick-offs
  • Exchange ideas with business partners and researchers at Co-Locations Centres (CLC) and during internships
  • Have access to renowned European research facilities
  • Earn a double degree from the partner universities and the EIT Manufacturing Certificate.


Please check here for the EITM Master School Terms & Conditions

EIT Manufacturing Doctoral School

Why choose EITM Doctoral School?

  • The EIT Manufacturing Doctoral School supports PhD students in transforming their research results or patents into marketable solutions.
  • The program goes beyond traditional PhD studies to deliver an international two-year education focused on manufacturing innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • The educational experience is enriched through five months, in which students are given the opportunity to move in academic and non-academic environments.
  • Earn a PhD diploma from our partner universities and the EIT Manufacturing Certificate.

Note: Please check here for the EITM Doctoal School Terms & Conditions  

Learn more about EIT Manufacturing

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