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Masters Degrees in Forestry Worldwide

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Global Forestry MSc

University of Padua Italy

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Plant and Forest Biotechnology MSc

Umeå University Sweden

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Environmental Forestry MSc

Bangor University United Kingdom

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Master of Forestry MF

The University of Maine United States

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Master of Forestry Masters Degree

Australian National University Australia

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Master of Science in Forestry MSc

The University of British Columbia (UBC) Canada

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Biodiversity, Wildlife & Ecosystem Health MSc, Postgraduate Certificate, PG Dip

University of Edinburgh Online Learning United Kingdom

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Forest Sciences MSc

University of Helsinki Finland

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Environmental Sciences MSc, Graduate Diploma

Trinity College Dublin Ireland

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Biology BSc, BSc (Hons), PhD, MSc (Science)

University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) Canada

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Geography and Environmental Science (FL77) MA(Hons)

University of Dundee United Kingdom

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Environmental Conservation MSc, PG Dip

University of Greenwich United Kingdom

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Forest Ecosystem Management MSc

University of Cumbria United Kingdom

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Rural Estate and Land Management MSc, MProf

Harper Adams University United Kingdom

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Master in Global Environmental Change Other Masters

IE University Spain

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Study a Forestry Masters abroad in 2025

Modern forestry covers a broad range of areas, including the actual forests, as well the ecosystems that live within them, such as wildlife and water systems. Forestry is the science of creating, managing, using, conserving and repairing forests, woodlands, and other resources for human and environmental benefits. It is practised in plantations and in natural forests. You may learn about the provision of timber, wildlife habitat, natural water quality management, landscape design, biodiversity management, erosion control, and the environmental impact of forestry, among other things. In today's society, where we are in need of natural resources, foresters are in high demand.

Depending on your institution and course, you may be able to specialise in a chosen area towards the end of your course. Common specialisations include:

  • Forest Ecology
  • Forest Management
  • Forest Harvesting
  • Applied Forest Economics
  • Agroforestry
  • Silviculture
  • Forest Health

If your course requires you to write a dissertation, you will be able to research an area of forestry that you favour, allowing you to specialise even further.

The award you will gain on successful completion of your degree depends on the country in which you study, and your institution of choice. Some institutions may only offer a standard certification, such as a bachelor of science. Other institutions may be accredited by national forestry bodies, such as the Forestry Commission or Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF) in the UK, or the Society of American Foresters (SAF) in the USA. You should check the courses you are interested in to find out about their specific accreditation.

Once you have finished your degree, you may need to gain extra accreditation before you can go into forestry. This varies from country to country, so make sure you are aware of any restrictions.

Careers in Forestry

Forestry graduates will be able to find employment in a wide range of career paths. A forestry degree provides students with a number of transferable skills, such as research ability, laboratory skills, logical thinking, and a knowledge of environmental and sustainability issues.

Some graduates may choose to work in the forestry field, for example as a conservation officer, forest ranger, forestry science or conservation scientist, among other roles. Some graduates may gain employment in related fields, such as agriculture.

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