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How will studying abroad help your career prospects?

Deciding where to study can be a difficult decision for everybody, but when you consider the vast number of options available in a world that is becoming more globalised by the day, the decision can be even more daunting. Lots of people are choosing to study abroad, as it provides both personal and academic growth.

There are many benefits to studying abroad, including:

Learning a new language

If you intend to study in a country where you don’t speak the native language, you will be given the amazing opportunity to learn another language. Whether you pick up only the most important elements of the language, or finish your time there speaking fluently, this is a skill that many employers will find impressive. Your willingness to put yourself into an environment where you basic communication skills are disadvantaged, and your ability to pick up a new skills will stand you in good stead in whatever future path your choose.

Experience new cultures

Immersing yourself in a new culture and being able to adapt to your new environment is a skills that will look good on your CV. It will show your potential future employers that you are open to new experiences, and can work well when thrown in at the deep end.

When you choose to study abroad, you fully immerse yourself in a new culture. This develops your worldview, allowing you to understand different cultures and opinions, and value different perspectives. It is unlikely that you will ever work alongside people who had an identical upbringing to you, so having the exposure to many different people whilst studying abroad will give you a head start in your career. 

Improve your confidence

Studying and living abroad means that you have to find your own feet within your new world. You will have to work alongside different people, embrace a new culture and most likely be away from your family and friends.

The experience you gain through meeting new people and embracing new situations will massively increase your confidence and mean that you approach unfamiliar experiences with an open mind and the ability to adapt.

Grow your network of contacts

If you choose to study abroad, you are likely to meet other students that are also studying away from their home country. This means that you will create contacts and connections from all over the world. These connections might turn into lifelong friendships, but could also be incredibly useful for when you are considering your career path. Those friends you made could be working in a wide variety of roles all across the globe, meaning you have contacts in many great places!

Boost your CV

In a world that is becoming increasingly collaborative and connects, having a study abroad experience on your CV could serve as a great advantage. Whether you are looking to work abroad, in an international organisation, or simply in a role that requires cross-sector communication, you will have developed skills to help you in these roles. Studying abroad requires confidence, open-mindedness, adaptability and independence, all of which are qualities that employers find attractive.

If you would like to know more about what kind of course you are interested in, or where in the world you might be able to study, take a look at our subjects and country directories.

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