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Archaeology, MPhil, University of Liverpool

the United Kingdom

University of Liverpool

Study options for this course

The award How you will study Study duration Course start Domestic course fees International course fees
MPhilFull-time2 - 4 yearsSeptember--
MPhilPart-time2 - 6 years---
PhDFull-time2 - 4 years---
PhDPart-time4 - 7 years---

About Archaeology, MPhil - at University of Liverpool

All research degree students are initially registered for the MPhil degree. Students wishing to continue for PhD study, transfer their registration to PhD after they have completed at least one year (second year if part-time) if progress has been satisfactory. There are currently around 50 MPhil/PhD students in total in the School.

Subject Overview

The School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology has a number of research groups, which together reflect our major research strengths; those areas where we are recognised internationally. Each of these groups is a dynamic forum for the exchange of concepts and information and has a vibrant seminar series providing an opportunity for staff and postgraduates to integrate their research activities and interact with major external figures in their fields.

Entry requirements

Applications are welcome from well qualified graduates who wish to undertake research programmes leading to a PhD on either a full or part-time basis. For research we similarly expect candidates to normally hold a UK first degree in the first or 2:1 class in a relevant subject. International Qualifications Applications from international students are welcome. International qualifications will be evaluated in line with the National Recognition Information Centre (NARIC) guidelines. English Language Qualifications All applicants must have reached a minimum required standard of English language, and are required to provide evidence of this. Qualifications accepted by the University include GCSE English; GCE O level English; AS Level English; A Level English Language; IELTS; TOEFL; Cambridge Proficiency etc. Please for a full list. If you meet our other academic requirements but do not achieve the required level of English, it is possible to come and study at Liverpool on the University’s summer academic English programmes. If you need to increase your IELTS score by a grade of 0.5 (eg you need to improve from 6.0 to 6.5) you should attend the six week course. If you need to increase your IELTS score by a grade of 1.0 (eg you need to improve from 5.5 to 6.5) you should attend the ten week course. If you need to increase your IELTS score by a band of 1.5 (eg you need to improve from 4.5 to 6.0) you should attend the 19 week course. If you need to increase your IELTS score by a band of 2.0 (eg you need to improve from 4.5 to 6.5) you should attend the 29 week course. If you need to increase your IELTS score by a band of 2.0 or 2.5 (eg you need to improve from 4.0 to 6.0 or 4.0 to 6.5) you should attend the 40 week course. If you require additional English language training during your study, the University is able to provide tuition and arrange IELTS tests through its English Language Unit, details of which are available at IELTS 6.5 (with a minimum of 5.5 in each component) TOEFL iBT 88 or above with minimum scores in components as follows: Listening and Writing 21, Reading – 22, Speaking 23 International Baccalaureate Standard Level 5 Hong Kong use of English AS level C INDIA Standard XII 70% or above from Central and Metro State Boards WAEC C4-6

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