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Educational Psychology, MEd, PhD, University of Alberta


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About Educational Psychology, MEd, PhD - at University of Alberta

The Department offers programs leading to the degree of PhD in the following specializations: Psychological Studies in Education; School and Clinical Child Psychology; Counselling Psychology (CPA accredited); Special Education; Measurement, Evaluation and Data Science; and Studies in Teaching and Learning English as a Second Language (TESL). Programs leading to the degree of MEd (thesis-basis) are offered in the following specializations: Psychological Studies in Education; School and Clinical Child Psychology; Counselling Psychology; School Counselling; Measurement, Evaluation and Data Science; Special Education; Technology in Education; and Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL). A course-based MEd program with a specialization in School Counselling is offered by the Department. Applicants following this program are selected based on their potential to serve as school counsellors. The Department houses an MEd program specializing in Health Sciences Education. This program is intended for those in Health Disciplines. Further information and admissions criteria may be found on the Faculty of Education website.

The MEd and PhD programs are designed to provide specialized education and preparation for teachers, administrators, consultants, psychologists, academics, research personnel, and others requiring specialized preparation in the program areas. Normally, a student's graduate program includes a combination of professional and research graduate-level courses offered by the Department, the Faculty of Education and other Departments and Faculties in the University.

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Notes about fees for this course

In addition to scholarships awarded by outside granting agencies such as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and by the University such as the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Scholarships, the Department offers financial support to some students in the form of graduate research assistantships and graduate teaching assistantships. Assistantship applications are available to students admitted to the Department.

Entry requirements

The Department's minimum admission requirements are a four-year undergraduate degree with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in the last two years of undergraduate work (or graduate work) at the University of Alberta, or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution. For those students whose previous academic work was completed in a language other than English, the Department requires proof of proficiency in the English language. Any one of the following is acceptable:

  • TOEFL score of 93 Internet-based, with a score of at least 24 on speaking and writing, and 21 on reading and listening, or equivalent; or
  • An Academic IELTS score of 7.0 with no band less than 6.5; or
  • An official CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language assessment system) score of at least 70 in all bands.

Areas within the Department may have higher standards.

The TESL program requires the following for those students whose first language is not English:

  • TOEFL score of 600 paper-based (or 250 computer-based); and
  • TSE score of 55 (minimum) (SPEAK scores are not acceptable); or
  • TOEFL iBT (Internet-based) score of 98, with minimum scores of 28 in the speaking component, 22 in the reading component and 24 in the listening and writing components; OR
  • An Academic IELTS score of 8 (minimum) on listening/speaking bands with no band less than 7; or
  • An official CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language assessment system) score of at least 80 on listening/speaking bands with no band less than 70.

Additional information regarding English Language proficiency may be found on the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research website.

Additional details concerning admission requirements, including prerequisite courses, within each area may be found on the Department's website.

Fees, Funding and Scholarships at University of Alberta

The University of Alberta offers a wide ranges of scholarships to international students. You will be evaluated for these scholarships when you apply for admission. Your eligibility will be based on your high school admission average at the time of your admission offer. We'll assess you for a match to the following three scholarships. If you are eligible for an admission-based scholarship we will contact you directly!

  • International Admissions Scholarship-up to $5,000
  • Regional Excellence Scholarship- up to $5,000
  • Gold Standard Scholarship- up to $6,000

You can also apply for scholarships based on your application, including the President’s International Distinction Scholarship, awarded annually to 25 international students, worth up to CAN $120,000.

To find out more about scholarships click here

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