About German, BA - at Trinity College Dublin
If you have discovered a strong aptitude and interest in German and want to develop a deeper understanding of the countries where the language is spoken, their cultures, histories, societies and mentalities, TSM German is almost certainly for you.
This course aims to develop an advanced proficiency in spoken and written German and an advanced understanding of modern German culture and its historical roots, by providing students with the opportunity to acquire
- a high degree of oral and written proficiency in all its registers, via an integrated and systematically advancing sequence of language modules over the various years of the programme
- a thorough grasp of a wide variety of critical approaches to German literature in its most significant manifestations
- a theoretical and historical knowledge of the German language
- an informed understanding of the culture, history, political, social and economic structures of German-speaking countries today.
TSM German combines study of German with that of another subject over a four-year period.
TSM Course ContentFirst year- German language: written and oral; systematic grammar review; development of both fluency and accuracy.
- Introduction to the study of literature: reading and discussion of modern texts in their historical contexts - how they relate to modern German culture and society - and in their various textual forms - novels, short stories, plays, poems.
- Introduction to linguistics: beginning the systematic study of how language works and is structured.
- Textual analysis: practical work in the close reading and analysis of literary and non-literary texts in German.
- Introduction to Area studies: the society, culture, history and institutions of the German-speaking countries.
Wherever possible and appropriate, classes are conducted in German
Second and third yearThe second year programme in TSM German combines core elements with a range of optional Seminars which allow students to develop their own special fields of interest within Germanic studies. The same applies to the third year.
However, either (more commonly the third year) may be spent abroad (see below). Thus, the second year language programme aims particularly to prepare students for study abroad during the third year. To that end students write more extensive pieces of German, hear lectures in German and develop their reading skills through studying the German media. Nearly all second and third year classes are conducted in German.