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Paramedic Practice, University Diploma, Sheffield Hallam University

the United Kingdom

Sheffield Hallam University

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University DiplomaFull-time----

About Paramedic Practice, University Diploma - at Sheffield Hallam University

Paramedics are the senior members of accident and emergency ambulance crews. They are trained in all aspects of pre-hospital emergency care and deal with emergency medical illness and traumatic injury. Paramedics treat and stabilise patients at the scene of their accident or illness. In dealing with seriously ill or injured patients, your skills as a paramedic can often mean the difference between life and death. You learn how to combine theory and practice to meet the challenges of providing pre-hospital care. Most weeks you study for two days at the University and spend two days on placement. The clinical placements are either with Yorkshire Ambulance Service or East Midlands Ambulance Service. This enables you to gain experience and apply your university-based learning to real life situations. We provide modern facilities to help you develop clinical skills and specialist knowledge for your career. The course is normally based in our £13 million purpose-built Robert Winston Building on our Collegiate Crescent Campus Clinical suites in the building replicate the hospital and community settings in which you learn and work. You study some interprofessional education modules alongside students from other health disciplines, such as nurses, radiographers and midwives. This shared learning experience allows you to develop teamworking and understand the contribution different professionals make. As part of the course you complete a level 1 award in health awareness, which provides you with a certificate from the Royal Society for Public Health We are currently the only university in the UK that offers this as part of our healthcare courses. Your student membership fees for the College of Paramedics are paid, enabling you to access the services they provide. For more information please visit our paramedic website at

Entry requirements for this course

Contact Sheffield Hallam University to find course entry requirements.

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