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Nutrition, Health and Lifestyles, BSc (Hons), Sheffield Hallam University

the United Kingdom

Sheffield Hallam University

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BSc (Hons)Full-time----

About Nutrition, Health and Lifestyles, BSc (Hons) - at Sheffield Hallam University

Throughout the course, you study nutrition and food composition in depth. You learn about the strong link between exercise and food how to analyse the diets of individuals and populations about essential physiology for nutrition how non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease and certain cancers develop, and what factors are involved in preventing them You can focus on specialist areas of interest such as nutrition for sport and exercise, or public health and health promotion. You gain the essential practical and analytical skills needed to work in health promotion, community health and private sector lifestyle advice. You also develop your analytical skills and professional qualities. We work hard with employers to make sure that this course also gives you the skills valued by private practitioners working in personal training and dietary consultancy. Our course leaders include experienced practitioners in public health nutrition, community health development, GP referral schemes, personal training and health promotion. Outside speakers with specialist expertise give guest lectures at various points throughout the course. Your learning involves * seminars * lectures * projects * laboratory work in our modern facilities at City Campus. The course has many practical elements and you gain experience of a wide range of equipment. You carry out practical activities such as blood pressure testing and examining body composition. Throughout the course you gain expertise in dietary analysis. Using these skills and computer software you analyse the diets of individuals and populations. If you already have an advanced diploma, higher national diploma, foundation degree or equivalent qualification in this subject, you can take a one year top up course, based on the final year of this degree. This allows you to convert your qualification to an honours degree. Please see

Entry requirements for this course

Contact Sheffield Hallam University to find course entry requirements.

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