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Bachelor of Theology, BTh, Alphacrucis College

Australia . Cricos: 00958A

Alphacrucis College

Study options for this course

The award How you will study Study duration Course start Domestic course fees International course fees
BThFull-time3 years---
BThPart-time3 - 10 years---

About Bachelor of Theology, BTh - at Alphacrucis College

The Bachelor of Theology (BTh) integrates a well developed foundation in Christian Studies with a broad and coherent theoretical and practical knowledge in theology and biblical studies. This includes exploration of the Christian tradition as developed historically and within faith traditions. It also includes engagement in the study of the primary texts of the Christian faith (Old and New Testaments), with reflection on how those texts have been interpreted both historically and in contemporary readings.

Course Structure

The Bachelor of Theology is a degree comprised of 24 subjects (240 credit points). Every program for this award shall include:

  • Christian Studies Core Subjects
  • 1 x Major Specialisation
  • 7 x Elective Subjects & 1x Professional Practice subject

Christian Studies Core Subjects (8 subjects/80 credit points)

The Christian Studies Core Subjects forms the foundation of BTh award. It is aimed at developing in students a solid understanding of the Christian faith (biblically, historically & theologically), with well-informed ethical principles and founded on disciplines of Christian spirituality.

All students are required to take the following subjects:

  • Introduction to Academic Writing and Research [RES101]
  • Introduction to the Bible [BIB101]
  • Biblical Hermeneutics [BIB201]
  • History of Christianity [HIS101]
  • Christian Spirituality [MIN102]
  • Communicating the Christian Faith [MIN202]
  • Christian Worldview [THE101]
  • Christian Ethics [THE201]

Major Specialisation (8 subjects/80 credit points)

Students are to choose from four different Major Specialisations (8 subjects each) - which are Theology, Biblical Studies, Old Testament Studies and New Testament Studies.


  • The three following subjects: THE202 Christ and Salvation; THE203 Trinity and Creation; THE204 Pneumatology.
  • Either HIS210 History of Pentecostal Charismatic Christianity, or, HIS301 Australian Christian History.
  • Four of the following: SOC201 Theology of Social Justice; THE310 Apologetics; THE311 Ecclesiology; THE315 Theology and Popular Culture; THE320 Theology and Psychology; SOC301 Public Theology and Political Engagement.


  • One of the following subjects: HIS208 History of Christian Expansion, HIS210 Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, HIS301 Australian Christian History, HIS302 Early and Medieval Christian History
  • One of the following subjects: SOC201 Theology of Social Justice, SOC202 Global Poverty, SOC301 Public Theology And Political Engagement, SOC302 Social Entrepreneurship
  • One of the following 200 level BIB subjects: BIB210 The Pentateuch; BIB211 Wisdom Literature; BIB212 The Minor Prophets; BIB213 Historical Books of the Old Testament; BIB251 The Johannines; BIB252 The Prison Epistles; BIB253 The Pastoral Epistles; BIB254 The world of the New Testament; BIB255 The Thessalonian Corespondence.
  • One of the following 300 level BIB subjects: BIB311 Psalms; BIB312 Isaiah; BIB313 Esther; BIB350 Biblical Theology; BIB351 Luke-Acts; BIB352 Romans and Galatians; BIB353 I & II Corinthians; BIB354 General Epistles; BIB355 Revelation.
  • One of the following 200 level THE subjects: THE202 Christ and Salvation; THE203 Trinity and Creation; THE204 Pneumatology.
  • One of the following 300 level THE subjects: THE310 Apologetics; THE311 Ecclesiology; THE315 Theology and Popular Culture; THE320 Theology and Psychology

Choose either Option A or Option B:

Option A:

  • One of the Following Languages:
  • Greek ANL151 New Testament Greek 1 / ANL251 New Testament Greek 2; OR
  • Hebrew ANL101 Old Testament Hebrew 1 / ANL201 Old Testament Hebrew 2)

Option B:

  • One 200 level or higher BIB/THE/HIS/SOC subject
  • One 300 level BIB/THE/HIS/SOC subject


  • At least two of the following: ANL101 OT Hebrew I (100 level) and ANL201 OT Hebrew II (200 level), or ANL151 NT Greek I (100 level) and ANL251 NT Greek II (200 level).
  • Three of the following 200 level subjects: BIB210 The Pentateuch; BIB211 Wisdom Literature; BIB212 The Minor Prophets; BIB213 Historical Books of the Old Testament; BIB251 The Johannines; BIB252 The Prison Epistles; BIB253 The Pastoral Epistles; BIB254 The NT in its Historical Context; BIB255 The Thessalonian Corespondence.
  • Three of the following 300 level subjects: BIB311 Psalms; BIB312 Isaiah; BIB313 Esther; BIB350 Biblical Theology; BIB351 Luke-Acts; BIB352 Romans and Galatians; BIB353 I & II Corinthians; BIB354 General Epistles; BIB355 Revelation.


  • ANL101 OT Hebrew I (100 level) and ANL201 OT Hebrew II (200 level).
  • Two of the following 200 level subjects: BIB210 The Pentateuch; BIB211 Wisdom Literature; BIB212 The Minor Prophets; BIB213 Historical Books of the Old Testament.
  • One of the following 200 level subjects: BIB251 The Johannines; BIB252 The Prison Epistles; BIB253 The Pastoral Epistles; BIB254 The NT in its Historical Context; BIB255 The Thessalonian Corespondence.
  • Two of the following 300 level subjects: BIB311 Psalms; BIB312 Isaiah; BIB313 Esther .
  • One of the following 300 level subjects: BIB350 Biblical Theology; BIB351 Luke-Acts; BIB352 Romans and Galatians; BIB353 I & II Corinthians; BIB354 General Epistles; BIB355 Revelation.


  • ANL151 NT Greek I (100 level) and ANL251 NT Greek II (200 level).
  • Two of the following 200 level subjects: BIB251 The Johannines; BIB252 The Prison Epistles; BIB253 The Pastoral Epistles; BIB254 The NT in its Historical Context; BIB255 The Thessalonian Corespondence.
  • One of the following 200 level subjects: BIB210 The Pentateuch; BIB211 Wisdom Literature; BIB212 The Minor Prophets; BIB213 Historical Books of the Old Testament.
  • Two of the following 300 level subjects: BIB350 Biblical Theology; BIB351 Luke-Acts; BIB352 Romans and Galatians; BIB353 I & II Corinthians; BIB354 General Epistles; BIB355 Revelation.
  • One of the following 300 level subjects: BIB311 Psalms; BIB312 Isaiah; BIB313 Esther.

Electives (7 subjects/70 credit points) + Professional Practice (1 subject/10 credit points)

Students are to take seven elective subjects. These can be chosen from any of our undergraduate subjects for which you have met the pre-requisite requirements. A list of all our subjects can be found via the Units (aka subjects) link at the top of the page. Also see our timetables for availability.

Plus one Professional Practice subject.

Note: Students also need to make sure that they:

  • Complete 1 subject (10 credit points) in Professional Practice
  • Have a maximum 80 credit points at 100 level
  • Have a minimum 40 credit points at 300 level

Course Information


  • Student Handbooks

Length Of Program

  • Full-Time: 3 Years (4 subjects per semester)
  • Part-Time: Up to 10 Years (1 - 2 subjects per semester)


  • Parramatta Campus
  • Baulkham Hills Campus
  • Brisbane Campus
  • Global Online Campus

Delivery Modes

  • Face-to-Face (weekly 3 hour lectures)
  • Intensive (5 days of lectures delivered within a one week period)
  • Extensive (5 days lectures delivered across a term period)
  • Online Delivery (weekly video/audio lectures provided to be viewed at own convenience)

Articulation Options

Upon completion, students can continue their studies with an additional Honours year or Masters degree provided their results are of a high enough standard. See the Awards Offered page for more information.

How To Apply

Complete an online Higher Education Application for Admission Form

On filling the application, please be prepared to upload the following digital documentation (PDF, jpeg):

  • Certified copy of your birth certificate or passport (passport required for international student applicants).
  • If born overseas, certified copy of your permanent residency status or Australian Citizenship Certificate
  • Certified copy of your relevant academic transcripts or CV
  • Your passport photo

AUSTUDY / ABSTUDY / Youth Allowance

Austudy, Abstudy and Youth Allowance are available for this course. To check your eligibility and to find out more information, please visit the Study Assist website.

Welcome future students...

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... to the Bachelor of Theology (BTh) award, a Higher Education program that aims to equip you for Christian thought and action in today's world.

The BTh is a study program designed to prepare you for ministry in today's world with a broad foundation in Christian studies. Predominantly, you will develop theoretical and practical knowledge in theology and biblical studies. The BTh will foster you to develop the skills of being an innovative and reflective thinker especially in the key aspects of the Christian faith, including understanding the development and meaning of the biblical texts, the historical development of Christianity throughout the ages, and the theological underpinnings of Christian orthodoxy. Further, you will also gain the skills of being an effective practitioner, as you will be expected to integrate your theoretical studies with the down-to-earth realities of this contemporary world: its questions, challenges, and ministry needs. Thereby we expect our graduates to not only have specialist knowledge, but knowledge that can be communicated in an effective manner to a wide variety of audiences (not just the church setting) and handled wisely to address complex and difficult situations. This degree is not for the faint-hearted, as you will be asked to evaluate and consolidate your foundation in Christian studies. But I believe that today's world needs Christians who are not afraid of the 'hard questions' and being pushed to think deeply and widelyabout the Good News of the Christian message. And the BTh endeavours to do just this.

Overall, the BTh is ideal for those who feel a calling towards teaching ministry within the church, want to go deeper in their understanding of the bible, or simply desire to add a solid academic element to their present/future ministry. Beyond the core subjects in Christian studies, students will choose a major specialisation to develop comprehensive knowledge in a specific field. The major specialisations in the BTh include: theological studies, biblical studies, New Testament studies or Old Testament studies.

We realise that in this busy 21st century world, the student needs flexibility in their studies. Every student is different, and for many, it is not possible to be on campus fulltime. To this end, we have developed a state-of-the-art distance studies that can be done from a computer anywhere in the world at the student's leisure. But for others, this distance delivery can be combined with face-to-face classes in our Brisbane, Baulkham Hills or Parramatta campuses so that the student can experience the lecture room and interacting with fellow students. But for those who want to do it all in the classroom, our facilities are second-to-none. In fact, whatever your needs might be, we can tailor the BTh delivery to suit.

More importantly, perhaps, our faculty are almost all products of this degree, and what brought us here to begin with is the same thing that is bringing you here. Because of this, we share your passions and concerns and know what you need at this stage of your Christian journey. Throughout your studies, you will experience a variety of different lecturers, each one committed to the task of integrating world-class academic thought with practical Christian spirituality. You will enter into an environment where you are encouraged to critically engage the biblical text, hone your interpretation skills, plus think theologically. The experience and skills gained from this will be far reaching as it will equip you to confidently navigate the complexities of 21st century ministry.

But all of this academia does not come at the cost of spiritual transformation. At AC, we firmly believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to inspire, reveal, teach, and transform every person. In fact, it is perhaps one of the unique features of AC's BTh that we continually seek to combine solid research and study with the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. The goal of all of this is to develop a well-rounded Christian minister who is effective in every area of church life and community outreach.

Over the years, our BTh has produced pastors, missionaries, chaplains, lay-ministers, and academics. In fact, it has equipped countless Christians for whatever God has called them to do both in the local church and abroad. And we have no doubt that it will also help you to enter into your calling. Further, the BTh is well suited to the scholarly type, especially those who are contemplating higher postgraduate theological studies. At Alphacrucis College, the BTh can easily articulate into the Masters of Theology program, which can create a pathway towards doctoral studies. It can also provide entry to Masters/Honours programs at other higher education providers.

If this speaks to you, then I invite you start a journey that will change you in ways you cannot yet imagine.

Caroline Batchelder

Program Director, Bachelor of Theology
Frequently Asked Questions: Bachelor of Theology - Baulkham Hills Campus

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Entry requirements for this course

Contact Alphacrucis College to find course entry requirements.

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