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Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting, BBA, Yorkville University


Yorkville University

Study options for this course

The award How you will study Study duration Course start Domestic course fees International course fees
BBAFull-time, Part-time, Online----

About Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting, BBA - at Yorkville University

The Bachelor of Business Administration with a specialization in Accounting is designed to provide students with the technical, analytical and interpretive skills required for a successful career in the accounting field.

Students will gain specialized knowledge in accounting policy choices and the criteria by which such choices are made, as well as develop skills in analyzing financial statements that are prepared using different accounting policies. Students will learn how managers use accounting information to make effective business decisions and will study different types of reports, financial statements and analytical tools which may be used by managers to effectively plan, coordinate, evaluate and monitor performance of an organization.

Culminating in a Capstone course, the program will require students to demonstrate the financial and managerial accounting knowledge they acquired in their earlier coursework and complete a comprehensive auditing project.

Courses throughout this specialization are offered fully online, and are also available through a flexible on-campus delivery option in Vancouver, British Columbia. Students are not required to choose one mode of delivery over the other, but may work with a Program Advisor to design a plan of study to fit a preferred learning style.

Notes about fees for this course

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Entry requirements

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