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Fine Art: Studio, Site & Context, BA, University of Wales Trinity Saint David

the United Kingdom

University of Wales Trinity Saint David

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BAFull-time3 yearsfind outGBP 9000 per yearGBP 14900 per year

About Fine Art: Studio, Site & Context, BA - at University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Course Overview

This course provides an opportunity for students to work alongside Internationally acclaimed artists and lecturers to explore the expanding and forever evolving field of contemporary fine art practice. This course creates a learning environment whereby a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary opportunities exist. This articulation between concept and media is a fundamental characteristic of the Fine Art course at UWTSD Swansea.

Key Features

Students will work on live projects with artists and galleries from the second year and go onto liaise with external clients within their 4th year. Connections that staff have with local galleries enable an on-going integration with the local art community. Many of our students have gained employment with established galleries including the Mission Gallery, Glynn Vivian, Oriel Bach and Elysium Gallery.

Staff are internationally renowned artists alongside being excellent tutors of art practice. Students will have the opportunity to work alongside these artists as they bring their own research into the learning environment. The diverse academic, artistic and professional backgrounds of the Fine Art staff supports the development of students as art practitioners in their own right.

The course offers excellent workshop facilities which include metal, wood, plaster, resin, mould-making, glass, ceramics and 3D printing, together with traditional 2D printing workshops and digital printing. There is also access to water jet and laser cutting machinery that is part of the Institute of Sustainable Design. These workshops encourage experimentation with the widest possible range of processes and display mechanisms. Installation rooms are provided for students to explore the important relationship between object made, space and environment. The understanding of the modes of presentation are intrinsically linked with workshop processes activities and outcome.


Level 4

  • Introduction to Material Practice
  • Construction and Deconstruction
  • Visual Studies 1
  • Ways of Thinking Conceptual Development
  • Site and Audience
  • Visual Studies 2
  • Ways of Perceiving

Level 5

  • Concept and Process Research as Practice
  • Visual Enquiry 1
  • Creative Research
  • Student-Led Project
  • Professional Practice
  • Visual Enquiry 2
  • Research Practices

Level 6

  • Major Project and External Liaison
  • Dissertation
  • Marketing & Self Promotion
  • Advanced Creative Enquiry



During your time with us you will have the opportunity to study abroad with the Erasmus exchange programmes currently running with Universities in Norway, Barcelona and Sweden.

Study Abroad

Students can also take up the opportunity to study a semester in the USA and Canada.

For more information please click here.

Course Tutor(s)

  • Dr Catrin Webster
  • Craig Wood
  • Professor Sue Williams
  • Professor Tim Davies
  • Dr Paul Jeff
  • Sarah Tombs
  • Marilyn Allen


Assessment is carried out through coursework, both written and practical. There are no exams on this course. Students are formatively assessed throughout a module, summative assessment takes place at the end of a module. A variety of teaching and learning methods are used throughout the course which include;


Usually at the start of a scheduled contact period, lectures will generally consist of a formal presentation giving information relevant to the module, accompanied by visuals, and followed by a screening or group tutorial/activity.

Group Tutorials

Depending on the cohort size, module content and individual lecturer preferences, these are usually in groups of no more than six students at a time and delivered over a set period.

Individual Tutorials

Most often scheduled for level 5 and level 6 students, individual tutorials offer a more focused and in-depth opportunity for student feedback and development of ideas. Most often arranged in relation to individual practice modules such as Student Led Projects.


Group critiques are scheduled regularly for all year groups. For level 4 these often form part of the assessment at the end of short projects, for levels 5 & 6 they are scheduled for the purpose of interim reviews and work-in-progress feedback, involving student participation and peer criticism.


Delivered to teach specific skills to students, group size will depend on subject and room size, can include project work. These are not usually formally marked, but can be subject to group criticism, and informal feedback will be given.


Formal presentations by students to peers and staff are used for research and development through to finished work. Students usually begin doing presentations at level 4 in small groups to build confidence in the process. There are then assessed research presentations to peers at level 5 and Major Project Presentations to staff and other year groups in level 6. The presentation is an ideal vehicle for developing individual confidence and transferable skills.

Career Opportunities

Many of our students have gained employment with established galleries including the Mission Gallery, Glynn Vivian, Oriel Bach and Elysium Gallery.

Related Courses

  • MArts Fine Art: Studio, Site and Context

Additional Costs

Our students have access to a diverse range of equipment and resources, which in most cases are sufficient to complete their programme of study. We provide the basic materials necessary for students to develop their practical work within our extensive workshop and studio facilities. However, it is likely that art and design students will incur some additional costs to extend their investigation of their personal practice. For example, purchasing their own specialised materials and equipment, joining in optional study trips, and printing.

Entry requirements

Entry Criteria

We are interested in creative people that demonstrate a strong commitment to art and/or design and therefore we welcome applications from individuals from a wide range of backgrounds. To assess student suitability for their chosen course we arrange interviews for all applicants at which your skills, achievements and life experience will be considered as well as your portfolio of work.

Our standard offer for a degree course is 120 UCAS tariff points. We expect applicants to have a grade C or above in English Language (or Welsh) at GCSE level, together with passes in another four subjects. Plus we accept a range of Level 3 qualifications including:

  • Foundation Diploma in Art and Design, plus one GCE A-Level in a relevant academic subject
  • Three GCE A-Levels or equivalent
  • BTEC Extended Diploma in a relevant subject, with minimum grades of Merit
  • International Baccalaureate score of 32
  • Other relevant qualifications can be considered on an individual basis

Qualifications are important, however our offers are not solely based on academic results. If you don't have the required UCAS points then please contact the courses admissions tutor or email [email protected] as we can consider offers to applicants based on individual merit, exceptional work, and/or practical experience.

See our Interview Guide for more information.

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