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About University of Manchester

Country the United Kingdom
City Manchester
Number of courses 941




The university was founded in 1851 after a bequest from John Owens, a Manchester merchant. On 1 October 2004, the university merged with the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, which was originally established as the Manchester Mechanics' Institution in 1824 and incorporated as Manchester College of Science and Technology in 1956.

It is located 2km south of Manchester city centre.

Admission to first degree courses

Through Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).

First Degrees

BA, BA(Accg&Law), BA(Econ), BA(Education), BA(EngLangTeaching), BA(Govt&Law), BA(LangLit&Comm), BA(LearDisStudies), BA(Mgt&Leisure), BAPS(ECS), BAPS(Educ), BAPS(SW), BAppLing, BArch, BD, BDS, BEconSc, BEd, BEng, BLD, BLang, BLing, BMedSc, BNurs, BPharm, BPhil, BPl, BSc, BSc(Audiol), BSc(SpeechLangTherapy), BScHCE, BScPharmSc, BSocSc, BTP, LLB, MB ChB, MusB

Higher Degrees


ChM, LLM, MA, MA(ArtGall&MusStud), MA(Counselling), MA(Econ), MA(Econ)Soc, MA(EnvirImpAssMan), MA(Theol), MA(UrbDesReg), MA(UrbPlanDev), MAppLing, MArch, MBA, MBIS, MBSc, MChem, MChemPST, MDSc, MEarthSci, MEd, MEng, MHSc, MInf, MLang, MLangEng, MLangTrans, MLing, MMatSc, MMath, MMath&Phys, MOptom, MPharm, MPhil, MPhil(Education), MPhys, MPsy, MRes, MSc, MSc(Acc&Fin), MTP, MTPl, MusM, MusM(Perf)


ClinPsyD, DBA, DCouns, DDSc, DEdPsy, DEng, DMedSc, DSc, DSocSc, EdD, EngD, LLD, LittD, MD, MusD, PhD

Language of Instruction

English. English language classes available in the Language Centre.


Volumes: 3,800,000.

Periodicals subscribed to: 8,900.

Other Holdings

37,903 audiovisual items
6,500 electronic journals
1,300,000 manuscripts/archival items
361,954 microforms

Special Collections

Spencer (Bibles)

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Courses at University of Manchester

There are 941 courses listed from University of Manchester. These are displayed below in alphabetical order:

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