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English Studies, MA, University of Helsinki


University of Helsinki

Study options for this course

The award How you will study Study duration Course start Domestic course fees International course fees
MAFull-time2 yearsSeptember-EUR 13000 per year

About English Studies, MA - at University of Helsinki

The Master’s Programme in English Studies helps you develop your expertise in areas that are often separated in other programmes: English language and linguistics, literature in English and the teaching of English. By working in a stimulating environment with accomplished researchers and teachers, you develop skills needed in your future career, such as skills in presentation, independent and group work and project management.

An MA in English Studies prepares you for a variety of jobs, and our graduates have been successful in finding employment. If combined with mandatory pedagogical studies, the Master’s degree in English Studies qualifies you to be a language teacher. Alternatively, you can find employment in media or publishing, business or international organisations where language skills are required. English is used globally as the language of science, culture, business and tourism, and experts in English are required in all of these fields.

Notes about fees for this course

Citizens of non-EU/EEA countries, who do not have a permanent residence status in the area and pursue their studies in English, are liable to pay tuition fees. You can check from FAQ at the Studyinfo website whether or not you are required to pay tuition fees.

Find out more about the Be 1* of the Best Scholarship Programme.

Entry requirements for this course

Contact University of Helsinki to find course entry requirements.

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