About Midwifery, Graduate Diploma - at Trinity College Dublin
This programme is delivered in conjunction with the Rotunda Hospital, Dublin 1 and Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, Co Louth. It takes place over two years, beginning in September, during which students are employed in one of these hospitals. The status of the student of midwifery is unique in that the student is both an employee of one of these two hospitals and a student of Trinity College. Contractual, procedural and student obligations are detailed in the terms and conditions of employment.
OverviewThis programme aims to educate a midwife who is competent to practice at the point of registration. The programme acknowledges that the student has a background in nursing prior to commencing midwifery. It aims to build on the relevant components and prior learning and experience whilst simultaneously emphasising the health orientated and wellness model that is advocated in midwifery practice.
The programme also acknowledges that midwifery is practised in a dynamic environment and recognises that there is need for the midwife to be a lifelong learner if women and families are to be offered the best care options available.
The 104 weeks of the programme are inclusive of annual leave and are divided between theory and practice. There are 26 weeks’ theory during the programme. Practice placements will involve both day and night duty.
Admission RequirementsThe two hospitals concerned advertise annually for student midwives. Students for this course must be on the General Nurse Division of the register maintained by an Bord Altranais. Thereafter, selection and recruitment is on the basis of performance at interview.