Erasmus University Rotterdam, which is also known as EUR, is a public research university located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. It was established in 1913, and is consistently ranked within the top 100 universities in the world by several different international ranking systems.
EUR offers a wide range of bachelor’s, master’s and research degrees, many of which are open to international students. These are delivered across seven different faculties:
- Erasmus Research Institute of Management
- Econometric Institute
- Tinbergen Institute (TI)
- Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TRAIL)
- Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE)
- Health
- Law, Culture and Society
The university is home to around 29,000 students, of which 20% are international students. It offers a range of programmes in English, as well as some bilingual programmes. EUR has hosted many notable staff members, including Jan Tinbergen (recipient of the first Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1969), who now has a faculty named after him.
Erasmus University Rotterdam places emphasis on developing graduates who will work to improve society and create a better world to live in. They believe that students should be able to pair creative and critical thinking with the acquisition of academic knowledge and skills. The university is constantly working towards sustainability, which they action through their organisation and academic research.