If you are planning to study abroad, don’t miss the deadline for your choice of course. We list all of the important dates to remember for your application to study aboard in each of the major study destinations. We have also rounded up deadlines occurring soon for opportunities that you may be interested in.
if you wish to begin your undergraduate studies but don’t have the necessary grades, consider a pathway or foundation course. These courses exist to bring your grades up to the necessary level for an undergraduate degree, and some guarantee progression to an undergraduate degree on completion. Applications should generally be made by the UCAS deadline date, the 15th of January. Contact Institutions directly to check for availability.
Search for Foundation Programmes in the United Kingdom
The main intake in the UK is September, with most courses starting in September/October. For the September intake, most UK Universities will request that you make your application to study through UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, whom are largely responsible for managing higher education course applications in the UK.
Applications begin from mid-September of the year preceding the start date, so if you want to begin your studies in September 2024 you can start your application from September 2023 onward. Application deadlines for some courses arrive as early as October, whilst the remaining courses generally have a deadline of mid January. Exact deadlines will vary based on course and institute, so make sure to double check. If you missed out on the course of your choice by the mid January deadline, try finding a course through clearing, which is available between July and September.
You will have received confirmation of an offer by the end of March, at which time you must sort out a study visa if you require one. If you do receive all your offers by the end of March, you must then reply to all of these offers by early May.
Many UK Universities also entry to courses in January. Deadlines for such applications vary so it is best to check directly at your chosen institute, but be prepared to submit your application as early as possible.
Search for Undergraduate Courses in the United Kingdom
The postgraduate course application procedure in the UK differs from the undergraduate procedure in that most Universities have their own postgraduate course application process, as opposed to the centralised UCAS process for undergraduate applications.
Postgraduate courses generally fall into two categories; taught and research based courses. As with undergraduate courses, most taught postgraduates courses in the UK start in late September/early October. Closing dates for taught postgraduate applications tend not to be as strictly defined as undergraduate deadlines. Is it best to submit your application as soon as you possibly can, up to one year in advance of your chosen courses start date.
You must have evidence to show that you have secured funding in place to pay for your studies and an unconditional offer of a place on your course before you are able to apply for your student visa, so you need to allow plenty of time for this.
Postgraduate research based courses tend to allow entry throughout the calendar year. It is still advisable to begin your application as soon as possible, as the process is still lengthy. An offer of a place on your chosen course must be obtained along with proof of funding before you can apply for a student visa.
Scholarships tend to be available for international students, but you must receive an offer of a place on your course in order to be eligible for one. The sooner you receive your offer the better in terms of applying for a scholarship, many scholarships will already be allocated by the early months of the year.
Search for Postgraduate Courses in the United Kingdom
if you wish to begin your undergraduate studies but don’t have the necessary grades, consider a pathway or foundation course. These courses exist to bring your grades up to the necessary level for an undergraduate degree, and some guarantee progression to an undergraduate degree on completion.
Search for Foundation Programmes in the USA
The main term starts in September for most institutions. You should aim to begin your application process at least one year in advance of enrolment for your chosen course, with the application deadline for courses usually ranging from early mid October/November to early January.
Some courses may require you to complete an admissions test before you begin your application. If your chosen courses require this, try to complete them before the application process main begins. Applications themselves begin at the start of August. As well a submitting your course applications, you should also submit applications to your chosen Universities for funding, along with any other funding bodies, with deadlines for financial applications tending to arrive in mid November.
You must notify Universities at the start of May about your decision, at which point you need to pay a deposit to your chosen University.
English language schools and some other institutions allow students to start throughout the year.
Search for Undergraduate Courses in the USA
If you are looking to begin a postgraduate course in the USA, you should aim to begin your application at least one year in advance. Although application deadlines will vary from course to course, most deadlines will be between mid December to March. It is highly recommended that you apply as soon as you can, as this will give you a greater chance of securing funding for your studies.
Search for Postgraduate Courses in the USA
If you are an undergraduate looking to study in Australia or New Zealand, the study year is usually divided into two semesters.
Semester 1 will typically start in early March and finish in early June. If you wish to begin your studies in semester 1, you should aim to have your application completed and submitted by mid November/late December, depending on the institute.
Semester 2 follows semester 1 and typically starts towards the end of July, finishing early November. If you wish to begin your studies in semester 2, you should aim to have your application completed by mid to late May, depending on the institute.
You may need to submit your application for entry in semester 1 or 2 may earlier than above if you reside in a country that the Australian government considers a high assessment level for a student visa. If you do live in such a country, you will be expected to present a greater amount of information to support your student visa application. Further information about assessment levels can be found on Australia’s Department of Immigration and Citizenship website.
Search for Undergraduate Courses in Australia
The coursework-driven postgraduate study year follows the same two semester pattern as the undergraduate study year, though this may differ for research based courses.
To start your studies in Semester 1 you should submit your application by late October/mid November.
If you want to begin your studies in Semester 2 you should look to submit your application by mid April/mid May.
The actual deadline to submit your application will depend on the institute you are applying to and the country you are applying from. As with undergraduates, if your country is deemed by the Australian government as a high student visa assessment level you will need to allow more time for your visa application.
For both undergraduate and postgraduate applications, the sooner you submit your application the better, as you allow your application a greater chance of being considered for scholarships and more time for your student visa to be processed.
Search for Postgraduate Courses in Australia
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How to choose a course that fits you? Check our top tips on choosing which course is best for you to help you make an informed decision.
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