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‘At Tio, you get what you expect, and more’

Tio Business School

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Rahul, who has Spanish and Indian roots, arrived in Amsterdam to join Tio Business School in September of 2023. Before that he was studying econometrics at Tilburg University, but quickly realised the field didn’t allow him to express his creative, entrepreneurial, and hospitable side. So, he made the bold decision to quit. During his gap year, Rahul worked as a freelancer at a football stadium, worked behind the bar, and even organised a massive event with over 2,000 attendees. That experience sealed his decision: “This is what I want more of.”

“I was looking for a study programme that matched my passion for event management,” Rahul shares. “Tio’s three-year bachelor programme Hotel and Event Management seemed like the perfect fit. It’s hands-on and internationally oriented, and it goes beyond just the hotel industry. Plus, I thrive in a private, practical learning environment, so enrolling was a no-brainer. I signed up for an open day immediately.”

A memorable open day: Welcome from day one

“At the open day, I was one of the few international students,” Rahul recalls. “It makes sense, as most international students join online from abroad. Tio’s lecturers and staff were incredibly welcoming and made sure to personally answer all my questions. They gave me a detailed look at the study programme and shared information about the different cities I could study in. Amsterdam stood out for me because of its international reputation and the business opportunities that come with it.”

Tio’s personal and friendly approach made an impression on Rahul that day. “This was also noticeable after the open day. For example, after my application, Tio helped me find a room in Amsterdam, where I now live with great pleasure. I felt incredibly welcome from day one.”

Close-knit community

What Rahul loves most about Tio is the small-scale setting. “During the introduction days, I got to know my lecturers and classmates really well,” he explains. “Now I have a bond with everyone that goes beyond just studying. They have become friends for life, with whom I can work and laugh. Because of them, I feel at home here.”

Seize every opportunity

“At Tio, you get what you expect—and more!” Rahul says, smiling. “I’ve practised checking in guests in a simulated hotel lobby, attended conferences to build my international network, and organised events for fellow students and companies. While I’m not yet sure of my exact path after graduation, this programme is preparing me for a wide range of opportunities. I get to explore faraway places, discover incredible destinations, and connect with people from all over the world. Who wouldn’t want that?”

Learn more about Tio Business School

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