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Masters Degrees in Digital Forensics Worldwide

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Digital Forensics And Cybercrime Analysis MSc

University of Staffordshire United Kingdom

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Digital Forensics MSc MSc

Middlesex University United Kingdom

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Digital Forensics and Cyber Investigation MSc

Teesside University United Kingdom

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Advanced Security and Digital Forensics MSc

Edinburgh Napier University United Kingdom

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Digital Forensics MSc, PG Cert, PG Dip

Cranfield University United Kingdom

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Cyber Security & Digital Forensics BSc (Hons), MEng

Leeds Beckett University United Kingdom

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Cyber Security (CSE) Master

EIT Digital Master School Belgium

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Looking for your first degree in Digital Forensics? See All bachelors degrees in Digital Forensics

Study a Digital Forensics Masters abroad in 2025

Digital Forensics is a field of IT that focuses on security and the fight against cybercrime. You will study cutting edge techniques used in cyber security and law enforcement, learning about data acquisition and interpretation. As Digital Forensics is such a fast moving field, there will be a focus in your studies on keeping up to date with the latest software and techniques.

To study in this field, it is important that you have an understanding of an interest in computing and related fields such as mathematics and data analysis.

Topics you are likely to cover when studying in the field include:

  • Computer Science
  • Computer Forensics
  • Mathematics
  • Networks and Communications
  • Digital Crime

Graduates of degrees in Environmental Law go on to work in areas such as:

  • Law enforcement service
  • Government bodies
  • Forensic consultancy

Postgraduate programmes in Digital Forensics are most commonly offered at universities as a Master of Science (MSc degree/MS degree), which can typically take between 1-2 years to complete when studied Full-time, and may include an industrial placement year.

Entry requirements for postgraduate programmes in Digital Forensics will usually include a bachelor/undergraduate degree in a related topic such as computing or mathematics.

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