Looking for your first degree in Anthropology? See bachelors degrees in Anthropology in Belgium
As an academic discipline, anthropology is crossroads between the arts and sciences. Anthropologists have a wealth of knowledge about humans and humanity, which covers both biological and cultural aspects. As a student of anthropology, you will learn about how humanity developed both physiologically and and culturally, and how humans created the society we live in today. You will have the opportunity to analyse the societies and cultures that have been witnessed historically, as well as those we experience today, all over the world.
During a masters in Anthropology, you will be able to build on the knowledge gained through your undergraduate degree. Modules you study could include:
Study in Belgium
Located right in the heart of Europe, Belgium is a multicultural and welcoming country. It has a reputation for its high quality of life, education and healthcare, making it a great choice for any international student looking to study abroad. As well as this, there are many highly ranked universities across the country, with many of them offering courses in English, and having many years of experience when it comes to catering for international students.
See our detailed guide to studying in Belgium for international students.
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