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Mass Communications - Liverpool John Moores University, MA, Unicaf Scholarships

Unicaf Scholarships

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About Mass Communications - Liverpool John Moores University, MA - at Unicaf Scholarships

Educational aims of the programme
The programme will explore mass communications across a range of media forms including: entertainment media, broadcast and digital, public relations, advertising and journalism. The programme will address issues of policy, governance, professional practice, international communication flows, digitalisation, political economy, cultural practice and research methods. The programme aims to provide a progressive and challengingcurriculum that is informed by contemporary research and responsive to the changing nature of the Communication industries. The specific aims of the programme are to enable students to:Critique key theories and concepts that underpin the study of mass communications Undertake the evaluation of contemporary mass communications scholarship and professional practice Critically debate the political, legal and ethical aspects of media and communication processes, systems and participation Recognise and anticipate developments in the role played by media and communication in economic and political organisation at local, national, regional, international and global levels Carry out original and independent research through the development of a critical appreciation of research methodologies appropriate for the study of media and mass communications Meet the challenges of employment in a global society through the development of their intellectual, analyticaland research skills related to the study of mass communication.

Target award Learning Outcomes - Master of Arts
A student successfully completing the programme of study will have acquired the following subject knowledge
and understanding as well as skills and other attributes.

A student who is eligible for this award will be able to:

  • Critically evaluate how mass communications are organised, operated and managed
  • Display a critical awareness of the roles that mass communications play in a range of cultural and social formations
  • Demonstrate an advanced understanding of the varied contextual factors influencing mass communications industries and the role of these industries in contemporary political and social life
  • Critically evaluate the limitations of research methodologies and using this judgement propose their own research design
  • Demonstrate a critical awareness of current debates and research in mass communications
  • Draw upon knowledge of the ways in which theories and concepts have developed in particular contexts in their assessment of contemporary issues and debates
  • Appraise legal, ethical and regulatory frameworks which structure mass communication processes and practices
  • Critically reflect upon their research and professional practice.
  • Engage critically with theories and concepts in mass communications and put them to productive use
  • Develop substantive and detailed knowledge and understanding in one or more designated areas of the field
  • Consider and critically evaluate their own work in a reflexive manner with reference to academic and/or professional issues, debates and conventions
  • Critically appraise mass communication with appropriate reference to social context and diversity of media use and engagement
  • Communicate key theories, methods and concepts for the purpose of mass communications analysis
  • Design, carry out and present various forms of research involving sustained independent enquiry at an advanced level
  • Propose, design and conduct research that will demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of concepts, information and techniques at the forefront of the discipline
  • Understand the limits of the major research methods associated with mass communications, and be able to\ apply this knowledge critically to their own work
  • Apply critical debates in mass communications, including those concerned with ethics, policy and professionalism, to practical work.
  • Appreciate how diverse audiences and communities engage with mass communications at local, regional, national, international and global levels.
  • Work in a flexible and independent way, showing self-discipline and reflexivity
  • Plan and implement tasks in a professional manner
  • Communicate their findings clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences
  • Initiate, develop and realise distinctive and creative work within various forms of digital writing
  • Retrieve and generate information, and critically evaluate sources, in carrying out independent research
  • Communicate ideas at an advanced level, deliver work to a given length, format, brief and deadline, properly referencing sources and ideas and adapting a problem-solving approach demonstrating professionalism
  • Put to use a range of IT skills from basic competences such as data analysis and word processing to more complex skills using web-based technology or multi-media, and develop as appropriate, specific proficiencies in utilising a range of media technologies.


Further your career prospects

Are you fascinated by the media world? Do you want a career in journalism, TV, radio or internet broadcasting? Stand out from the crowd with a UK Master’s in Mass Communications from Liverpool John Moores University for the career and life of your dreams. Engagement with this vibrant and innovative programme of study will provide you with a portfolio of skills that will be valuable for working in a range of media industries. The postgraduate research training that is integral to this course will also enable you to pursue further study at doctoral level. Former students who have studied Mass Communications at LJMU have gone on to work in advertising, marketing, public relations, arts administration, publishing, industry, retail, leisure, charitable organisation.

Entry requirements

  • An accredited UK Honours degree with minimum 2.2 classification or international equivalent. Some professional qualifications may also be acceptable. Extensive professional experience may also be considered in exceptional cases.
  • Official transcripts from all universities, colleges and other post-secondary educational institutions attended.
  • English Proficiency: IELTS (Academic) with an overall score of at least 6.0 (and no individual component lower than 5.5) or equivalent English language qualifications. Students who do not hold the above English language qualifications are required to take the online Academic English Placement Test. This is an IELTS-type test (Reading & Writing) where an overall score of 6.0 (with no individual component lower than 5.5) is required.
  • Personal Statement (minimum 500 words) explaining how the programme of study will benefit the student’s career progression.
  • Up to date CV
  • Two references (academic or professional) listed on CV stating referee’s full name, contact details, and relationship to the applicant.

Applications from non-standard applicants are welcome and will be considered individually.

* Entry requirements may vary depending on the programme of study.

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