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Philosophy, BA (Hons), Newcastle University

the United Kingdom

Newcastle University

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BA (Hons)-3 years-GBP 9250 per year-

About Philosophy, BA (Hons) - at Newcastle University

Course Overview

This degree explores philosophical questions like the nature of existence, mind and body, knowledge, goodness and beauty.

At a Glance


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Degree Awarded
BA Honours

Course Duration
3 Years

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Entry Requirements
A Level: AAB-ABB
IB: 32 points

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Newcastle is a top 10 UK university for philosophy, providing a thorough grounding in the main branches of philosophy, in both the continental and analytic traditions, as well as non-Western thought.

As a student of philosophy at Newcastle you will:

  • explore the relationship between philosophy and other areas of human endeavour, such as art, religion, and the natural and social sciences
  • choose from our wide range of stimulating modules including: ethics, the nature of freedom, the just society, creativity and taste
  • study philosophers such as Plato, Descartes, Hume, Nietzsche, Sartre and de Beauvoir

A degree in philosophy will open your mind to new ways of thinking. You learn how to question, analyse and balance multiple (and often opposing) points of view. These are skills that are much in demand in a wide range of careers.

Highlights of this degree

Philosophical traditions

Philosophical traditions

You receive a thorough grounding in philosophical traditions. You start with the study of Plato and Aristotle and their views of the cosmos. You also cover early Christian thinkers such as St Augustine.

Your exploration of European philosophical traditions continues with the Age of Reason and the study of: Descartes, Galileo, and Newton.

We then move on to the Enlightenment, the movement towards the liberation of humans by the application of independent thought, studying: Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Goethe.

In second and third year, your studies move forward in history to focus on contemporary thinkers such as: Kant, Nietzsche, Freud, Heidegger, Adorno, and Foucault.

Fantastic flexibility

Fantastic flexibility

A third of your modules are optional at each Stage. This allows you to benefit from the University's expertise in other subject areas, such as:

  • classics
  • history
  • politics
  • sociology
  • art
  • history
  • modern languages

Our links with other subjects add to the richness of the philosophical debate. On this flexible degree you are also encouraged to relate your own philosophical ideas to areas of particular interest.

Project work and skill development

Project work and skill development

Project work is an important part of the degree. This allows you to study a particular topic in more depth, and bring your studies and other interests into dialogue.

Students in the past have written about:

  • modern art and authenticity
  • science fiction films
  • the nature of reality
  • animal rights

In the course of researching project and essay material, we encourage you to build up a range of skills that will be useful in your future, such as:

  • the ability to research, analyse and present complex information
  • data collection and processing techniques, including database handling
  • the ability to develop robust arguments, and to articulate your point of view
  • personal development and management

Your project report will be a document full of pictorial and contextual evidence of the skills and knowledge that you have acquired during your degree.

Study abroad

Study abroad

UK and EU students have the opportunity to broaden their academic experience by taking part in a study exchange abroad.

Teaching and assessment

Teaching methods

Learning in Philosophy is an active process, centring on your own reading and inspired by lectures and discussion in seminars and tutorials.

You will undertake a project at each Stage. This allows you to study in more depth a particular topic relevant to the ideas being studied.

Assessment methods

Your work in each module is assessed through coursework. You are expected to produce around five pieces of written work each term.

Find out more

Teaching and assessment methods may vary from module to module. More information about each module including specific assessment credits and contact hours, can be found in the Course Details section.

Visit our Teaching and Learning pages to read about the outstanding learning experience available to all students at Newcastle University.

Student profile

I really enjoyed the course. The lecturers have an amazing amount of knowledge, which spans over so many different philosophical thinkers.

Holly, Philosophy BA Honours

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    Entry requirements

    Entry Requirements
    A Level: AAB-ABB
    IB: 32 points

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