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About Valencia College

Country United States
Number of courses 62
Year founded 1967

About Valencia

Located in Orlando, Florida, Valencia College is recognized as one of the best two-year colleges in the United States as the inaugural winner of the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence. With more than 100 degree programs to choose from, and an Intensive English Program, Valencia provides excellent educational opportunities. At Valencia, students can complete the first two years of a bachelor’s degree for nearly half the cost of a state university. Then, they’ll be guaranteed transfer to a top-tier U.S. university to finish their studies.

Guaranteed University Transfer

After earning a two-year associate degree from Valencia, students can transfer to a top-tier U.S. university as a third-year student to complete their bachelor’s degrees. 

Life on Campus:

From film festivals to music and dance concerts, plays, guest speakers, intramural sports, cultural events and student clubs, there are plenty of ways to get involved with other students at Valencia! Valencia College offers on-campus housing at our new downtown Orlando campus!

Intensive English Program

We accept students at all language levels from beginner to advance. Students interested in a degree program at Valencia who need to improve their English can start with the Intensive English Program and then transfer into a Valencia degree program. This program is accredited by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation (CEA) which is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a national accrediting agency for English Language Programs and institutions in the U.S. We also offer a bridge agreement between the Intensive English program to transfer to the degree program. 

Degree and Career Programs

Valencia offers over 100 degree programs, including two and four year degrees.

  • General Studies
  • Arts & Entertainment
  • Business
  • Communications
  • Education
  • Engineering, Computer Programming, and Technical Programs
  • Health Sciences
  • Horticulture & Landscape
  • Hospitality & Culinary
  • Information Technology
  • Public Safety and Legal
  • Science and Mathematics
  • Social Sciences

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Courses at Valencia College

There are 62 courses listed from Valencia College. These are displayed below in alphabetical order:

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