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Sport degrees in Canada

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Sport Management BHk

University of Windsor Canada

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RTA School of Media: Sport Media BA

Toronto Metropolitan University Canada

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Recreation and Sport Management UG:Diploma

Vancouver Island University Canada

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Kinesiology UG:Diploma

College of the Rockies Canada

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All Bachelors Degrees in Sport

Looking for graduate level options? See Masters degrees in Sport in Canada

Study a Sport degree in Canada in 2025

If you have a passion for sport and wish to take it further with studies in higher education, you can study for a degree in sport. You will be able to focus your studies on the area of sport that takes your interest, be it coaching, physiology, exercise science, nutrition, psychology or more.

Graduates of degrees in sport can go on to careers as a sports coach, personal trainers, physiotherapist, conditioning coach, PE teachers and health advisors.

Your degree will be delivered in a mixture of modes, including lectures, tutorials, seminars and group projects. Depending on your course, you may also have the option to take part in a work placement. Modules you study could include:

  • Physiology
  • Biomechanics
  • Coaching practise
  • Human movement
  • Coaching children
  • Geophysics
  • Hydrogeology

Study in Canada

Canada has a well earned reputation as a kind and welcoming country, making it a popular destination for international students looking to study abroad. If you choose to study in Canada, you will be able to access some of the worlds leading universities, as well as study in an environment that is encouraging of your development both inside and outside of the classroom. You will be able to choose from many highly ranked universities according to the QS World University rankings.

See our detailed guide to studying in Canada for international students.

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