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Pharmacy degrees in Czech Republic in 2024

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Pharmacy Degrees in Czech Republic

Study Pharmacy Degrees

Pharmacy is a medical and scientific field that looks at producing, preparing, dispensing and reviewing medications. As a pharmacist you are responsible for the safe and effective supply of medications to patients. You will also be required to give advice about how to take medications, as well as the relationship between different medications and potential side effects. You might work in a hospital or primary care setting, or in the community in a local pharmacy.

Graduates of a degree in pharmacy can normally expect to be able to go straight into a job as a pharmacist. Depending on the country in which you choose to work, you may need to gain any relevant professional accreditation or qualifications on top of your degree. Some universities will include these qualifications within their programme offerings.

Your degree will be delivered in a mixture of modes. These will include lectures and seminars, with potential for some practical lab sessions. Depending on your course, you may also be given the opportunity to take part in a work placement. Modules you study could include:

  • Health Sciences
  • Medicine Interactions
  • Immunity and Infection
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology
  • Pathology and Pharmacology

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic, also known as Czechia, is located in Central Europe and has a long and fascinating history. The country has land borders with 4 other European countries, making it a popular destination due to the ease of travel for both academic and pleasure purposes. The Czech Republic is home to many highly ranked universities, as well as the oldest university in Central Europe - The Charles University in Prague, founded in 1348.

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