About Lithuanian Studies, Bachelor Degree - at Vilnius University
Lithuanian Studies programme allows you to learn the Lithuanian language, to get acquainted with the linguistic situation, literature, culture, history, social and political life of Lithuania.
The programme is designed for:
- Lithuanian diaspora youth (born and raised abroad, graduated from general education schools outside Lithuania);
- Non-Lithuanian citizens living in Lithuania;
- Citizens of foreign countries who are interested in Lithuania, its culture, literature and language.
You will be able to:
- learn to analyse and evaluate linguistic, cultural and literary phenomena in a wider context;
- learn about the development of Lithuanian society in a regional context;
- master contemporary methods of research on linguistic, literary and sociocultural phenomena.
It is a flexible and open to the student's interests study programme: you will be able to choose 25% of the subjects according to your interests in various fields. You can study language, literature and socio-cultural phenomena, choose subjects from other disciplines (politics, history, management, pedagogy, etc.), or study one of more than 20 languages.
Students will be able to learn Lithuanian either upon enrolment or in an advanced group.
Learn more about Lithuanian Studies, Bachelor Degree - at Vilnius University
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