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Speech and Language Therapy, MSci, University of Reading

the United Kingdom

University of Reading

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The award How you will study Study duration Course start Domestic course fees International course fees
MSciFull-time4 years---

About Speech and Language Therapy, MSci - at University of Reading

Prepare for a career as a qualified speech and language therapist and gain valuable experience of working with patients and an integrated master’s degree.

As a Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) student, you will benefit directly from our world-class research into subjects, such as linguistics, language development, language pathology, and bilingualism. You will also be able to take advantage of our in-house speech and language therapy clinic, observational facilities, speech research laboratory and new sound recording room. We are one of the first departments in the UK to host NHS clinics in our purpose-built speech and language therapy facility on site.

The course has recently changed to an Undergraduate entry integrated Masters from a BSc degree. We are currently working towards accreditation from the RCSLT and in the Approval Process for the Health Care Professions Council to be completed when the course begins later this year. Once you graduate from the MSci Speech and Language Therapy programme, you can apply for professional registration with the Health and Care Professions Council which will then allow you to work as a speech and language therapist.

The MSci has been identified by our students, local employers and other stakeholders as the best way forward to maintain quality and enjoyment of the programme and to support future employment.

This course combines theoretical knowledge with clinical practice and you will gain hands-on experience right from the start. For example, in year one, during our "Child Development Assignment", you will be assigned a baby and go to home visits in order to observe its development over approximately 18 months. This will allow you to observe how a typically developing child develops, and enable you to develop your professional skills of interacting with parents and engaging with young children.

Throughout the course you will study core modules in linguistics, psychology, medical sciences and language pathology. You will also cover therapy and management, that is, how to assess, diagnose and treat (or manage) communication disorders. You will also have the chance to gain valuable experience of working within a large range of professional settings through a combination of weekly and block placement opportunities. The majority of our staff are practising speech and language therapists, and they will give you a direct insight into the latest developments in clinical practice.

During the final year you will be able to pursue your own interests through optional subjects such as autism spectrum disorders or specific language impairments. Additionally, you will carry out an original piece of research and write a dissertation.

The values of the course are aligned with those set out in the NHS Constitution.

The School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences is committed to providing an excellent quality service, demonstrating compassion and dignity, care and respect to our patients, students and colleagues whilst embracing equality and diversity. We achieve this by clarity of communication and reflecting courage and integrity in all areas of our work, supported by our knowledge, competence and innovation.

Notes about fees for this course

Subject to the Government passing legislation to raise the minimum fee cap, we will raise undergraduate tuition fees from £9,000 to £9,250 for new UK/EU students applying to start courses in the 2017/18 academic year. You will not be affected by this rise if you have deferred entry to the 2017/18 academic year. The Government will confirm future arrangements for EU students in due course.

Entry requirements

English language requirements: Please note that if your first language is not English you are required to have passed an IELTS test with an overall mark of at least 8.0, with not less than 7.5 on any individual component, prior to the commencement of the degree programme.

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