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Masters of Business Administration, MBA, MSc, University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)


University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)

Study options for this course

The award How you will study Study duration Course start Domestic course fees International course fees
MBA, MScFull-time, Part-time, Distance21 monthsJanuary, May, Septemberfind outfind out

About Masters of Business Administration, MBA, MSc - at University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC)

The MBA Program at UNBC covers the major disciplinary areas of business, including strategy, economics, accounting, finance, organizational behaviour, marketing, management of technology, and operations management. Students will build a broad knowledge base and learn the skills required for roles in senior management. Students learn to interpret the organizational environment and adopt new management practices to new demands.

Students have the option to undertake a project under faculty supervision, applying relevant theory while studying a substantial organizational issue. Students can also complete their MBA entirely through coursework.

Classes are taught in blocks one weekend per month, allowing students to continue working while they learn. Small cohorts facilitate quality face-to-face interaction with professors and student peers.

The total length of the MBA program is 21 months or five semesters. Students can choose from two locations; Prince George, British Columbia at the UNBC campus, or Vancouver, British Columbia at the Langara College Campus.

Students can also earn a Masters of Science in Business Administration. 

Notes about fees for this course

Visit our Tuition Fees page for current details.

Entry requirements

We accept qualifications from schools, colleges and universities from around the world.

Visit our Admissions page to learn about UNBC requirements.

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