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Sports Science (Personal Training), FdSc, University of Bedfordshire

the United Kingdom

University of Bedfordshire

Study options for this course

The award How you will study Study duration Course start Domestic course fees International course fees
FdScFull-time4 yearsOctoberGBP 9250 per yearGBP 11500 per year

About Sports Science (Personal Training), FdSc - at University of Bedfordshire

This foundation degree enables students to grasp a thorough understanding of three core subjects: anatomy and physiology, nutrition and sport psychology and then allows specialism in personal training.

As part of this course students will complete work experience and project-related unit which require the completion of a minimum of 40 hours of work experience per year.

Alongside the formal qualification, this foundation degree embeds commercially-recognised qualifications such as CYQ awards in fitness instructing, personal training, circuit training, sports conditioning and opportunities to achieve a range of level 1 coaching qualifications as well as the level 2 award in coaching studies.

The industry-recognised qualifications make this course distinctive and provides the students with the opportunity to find direct employment that can be both employed and self-employment as part of large organisations.

Students will attend college three days a week and will have the opportunity to learn through a range of practical and classroom-based methods.

Our partner colleges offer excellent teaching and learning resources for sport and strong links with local sports organisations. This foundation degree integrates academic and work-based learning through close collaboration between programme providers and employers and based on successful partnerships which provide distinct advantages to learners.

Relationships include Sport Bedford, Bedford Borough leisure centres (Fusion), Kempston Rovers Football Club, Bedford Blues Rugby Club, Bedford Bulls Basketball and Bedfordshire cricket. Partnerships have been made between the sports departments at the colleges and the sports development units of their borough councils.

These relationships will widen the opportunities for learners on the higher education programme allowing them to gain access to local community events, courses, employers and voluntary work that will strengthen their vocational experiences while studying.

Entry requirements for this course

Contact University of Bedfordshire to find course entry requirements.

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