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International study advice

Find out more about the range of subjects that you can study at institutions around the world with our subject guides.

World map on a blackboard
Deciding to study abroad: The first steps

Read StudyLink's suggestions on your first steps when deciding where to study abroad, with helpful tips to make your decision easier.

Students throwing hats
What is a Pre-Masters?

International students finding it difficult to meet conditions of eligibility criteria can choose to enrol in pre-masters courses before applying for a masters degree programme.

Students reading a book
English Language Testing for International Students

Find out more about English language tests, your options and what is required as an overseas student.

Teacher at a whiteboard
How will studying abroad help your career prospects?

Read more about studying abroad, and how it can boost your future career prospects.

See more international study advice

Student city guides

When you are choosing your university to attend for studying abroad, it is important to consider the city in which you will be studying and living.

Surfer riding a wave
Study in Sydney, Australia

With over 250 languages spoken and an immigrant strength of over a million people, international students will feel at home while studying in Sydney.

Ornate building
Universities in Milan, Italy

Milan is Italy's second-largest city by population and is the capital of the Northern Italian region of Lombardy.

Buildings in Barcelona
Universities in Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona is a city on the north-eastern coast of Spain, and is the capital of the Catalonia region.

Houses of parliament
Universities in London, UK

London is the capital city of the United Kingdom and one of the largest cities in the world.

See more student city guides